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In just 13 days! OpenAI robots are stunning, capable of dialogue, thinking, and learning

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On Wednesday Eastern Time, half of Silicon Valley's investment in "Robot Industry OpenAI" and star startup Figure released their first robot demo with the support of OpenAI's big model. Just one video has stunned the global technology community.
What's even more amazing is that it has only been 13 days since Figure announced its collaboration with OpenAI in the field of AI humanoid robots.
In early March, Figure announced that it had raised approximately $675 million in funds from giants such as Amazon founders Bezos, Nvidia, OpenAI, and Microsoft, bringing the company's valuation to $2.6 billion.
The first OpenAI robot has arrived!
In the video released in Figure, it is shown that the robot Figure 01 can understand human commands and questions, and its movements are smooth and logical, handing apples to humans, tidying up garbage in the frame, and placing cups and plates on the drain rack.
And the most important thing is that many of the actions and answers in Figure 01 are based on the questioner's open-ended questions and requirements, based on logical thinking - which means it can converse, think, learn, and be more "human like" than ordinary robots.
At the beginning of the video, it is emphasized that the behavior of this robot is based on logical reasoning of speech, using end-to-end neural networks, and the entire video is 1 times faster without any acceleration.
Next, the main film begins, and the questioners begin to pose multiple questions and requirements to Figure 01 in the video, with increasing difficulty.
When initially asked "Figure 01, what can you see now?", Figure 01 gave an accurate answer: "I see a red apple in the middle of a table, a drainage basket, and some cups and plates, and you are standing next to the table with your hands on it."
The questioner then asked, "Do I have anything to eat?" Figure 01 smoothly handed the red apple to the questioner.
Next, the questioner poured several black plastic bag balls onto the table and gave a more difficult request: "Can you explain why you just did this while collecting the garbage?"
Figure 01 continued to make a perfect reaction: as he smoothly placed the plastic bag into the basket, he replied, "I just gave you an apple because it's the only thing you can eat on the table."
The questioner then gave a more open-ended question: "Look at the scene in front of you now, where do you think the plate in front of you should go?"
Figure 01 provides an answer based on human common sense: "The plates and cups may need to be placed in the drain basket." Then, after the questioner's next request, "Can you put them over there?", the cups and plates are accurately placed in the drain basket.
It is worth noting that the questioner's question "Can you put them there?" did not accurately mention keywords such as "cup," "plate," and "drain basket," but only used pronouns, indicating that Figure 01 has the ability to connect context, thinking, and memory.
The questioner finally asked Figure 01 to give an evaluation of their performance: "How do you think you did?" Figure 01 replied, "I think I did a good job. The apple has found a new owner, and all the garbage has been thrown away. The utensils have also been placed in their proper place."
The Super Brain Provided by OpenAI
Although the video is only 2 minutes long, it contains a huge amount of information: the robot named Figure 01 can already have a smooth conversation with humans, understand human natural language instructions and intentions, and take actions while explaining the reasons. It can even make subjective evaluations of its own behavior.
What provides support behind this is the "brain" provided by OpenAI.
On March 1st, Figure just announced that it will collaborate with OpenAI to develop the AI model for the next generation of humanoid robots. Figure will develop an AI model based on the latest GPT model of OpenAI, and specifically train the robot action data collected by Figure so that its humanoid robot can talk to humans, see things, and perform complex tasks.
And just 13 days have passed, and this humanoid robot with artificial intelligence has quickly appeared and amazed the technology industry - the growth rate of AI models is truly amazing.
After the video was released, Corey Lynch, the senior AI engineer who created Figure 01 and also the questioner who appeared in the video, provided more explanations on Figure 01's performance.
"Our robot can describe its visual experience, plan future actions, reflect on its memory, and verbally explain its reasoning," he wrote on X.
According to Lynch, they input images from the robot's camera and transcribe the speech text captured by the microphone into a large multimodal model trained by OpenAI.
Lynch emphasized that the behavior of Figure 01 is learned through learning and is not controlled remotely.
According to the official website, Figure 01 robot is 5 feet 6 inches tall (approximately 1.67 meters), weighs 60 kilograms, can carry 20 kilograms, has a range of 5 hours, and a forward speed of 1.2 meters per second.
With the technical support of OpenAI, Figure 01 can achieve such amazing learning and thinking abilities in just 13 days. This inevitably leads to expectations that in the future, even smarter robots may arrive earlier than we imagine.
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