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Yihang Intelligence has signed a contract with Wuxi to lay out the first unmanned aerial vehicle manned low altitude route in Jiangsu Province

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According to the Wuxi Transportation Bureau, on March 11th, Yihang Intelligent signed an agreement with Wuxi Transportation Bureau, Liangxi District, and Liangxi Science and Technology City to jointly build the Yihang Intelligent EVTOL low altitude economic industry base and operation headquarters project, opening a new era of urban low altitude transportation and economic development.
This cooperation fills the gap in the industrial layout of EVTOL electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft in Jiangsu Province, and also injects new momentum into the low altitude economic development of Wuxi.
Yihang Intelligence will cooperate with Liangxi District and Liangxi Science and Technology City to build EVTOL low altitude application demonstration scenarios and industrial development, layout the province's first unmanned aerial vehicle manned low altitude route, open short distance sightseeing and tourism routes around the ancient canal tourism resort, build the first batch of low altitude economic demonstration scenarios and cultural, commercial, sports and tourism integrated development IPs, and gradually apply and promote them.
At the same time, Yihang Intelligence will leverage the industrial agglomeration advantages of Liangxi District and Liangxi Science and Technology City in big data, artificial intelligence, commercial aerospace, Beidou spatial information, digital economy, and other areas to build an EVTOL low altitude industrial base, covering multiple important areas such as assembly delivery, aviation material maintenance services, research and development testing centers, and build the only assembly delivery center in the province to provide efficient and safe new aircraft for the market.
In addition, Yihang Intelligence will also deeply participate in the development of low altitude economic industries in Wuxi, providing strategic planning, policy consultation, scene design (comprehensive tourism and sightseeing, UAM urban air traffic), cooperating with the application for civil unmanned aerial test zones, and coordinating the introduction of third-party infrastructure investment in Wuxi.
Jiang Yutao, Vice President of Yihang Intelligence, introduced that Yihang Intelligence is a leading enterprise in the field of urban public transportation. In 2023, it obtained the world's first unmanned manned airworthiness certificate. Currently, the EH216-S model is particularly suitable for cultural and tourism related integrated flights in future cities. We hope to have deep cooperation with Liangxi District and Liangxi Science and Technology City to explore EVTOL+cultural and tourism EVTOL+transportation and even EVTOL+urban governance application scenarios.
In 2016, Yihang Intelligence released the world's first manned autonomous flying vehicle, leading a new industry in urban air traffic worldwide.
In December 2019, Yihang Intelligent landed on NASDAQ, becoming the world's first listed urban air transportation enterprise.
In October 2023, Yihang Intelligent EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft system successfully obtained the model qualification certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Administration of China, which is also the world's first unmanned electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft model qualification certificate.
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