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JD "Luozi" Foshan Shunde Collaborates with Autonomous Brand "Jingzao" to Build a New Highland of Smart Manufacturing in South China

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On the morning of March 12th at 10 o'clock, the No.1 plot of Qingyuan Industrial Zone, Zhongyu Road, Leliu Street, Shunde District, Foshan City, was won by Foshan Yuyuan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. The plot will rely on the advantages of Shunde's manufacturing industry, combined with JD's comprehensive advantages in retail and supply chain, to build JD Foshan Intelligent Energy Industrial Base, and help Shunde's intelligent manufacturing industry accelerate towards the mid to high end.
It is reported that Foshan Yuyuan Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd., which won the bid for the land, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of JD Intelligent Industrial Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "JD Industrial Development"). The total area of the land is about 203 acres, with a planned total investment of about 2.5 billion yuan and a fixed investment of about 1 billion yuan, focusing on building the JD Foshan Intelligent Industry Base. The expected annual output value after reaching production is 2.5 billion yuan, with taxes exceeding 100 million yuan.
It is worth mentioning that after the completion of the project, it will create three major business centers: research and development and manufacturing center, smart supply chain center, and transaction operation center (OTO) for home appliances, hardware and other industries, serving JD's independently launched lifestyle brand "Jingzao". It will also comprehensively do a good job in the business development and supply chain supporting services of the intelligent manufacturing industry in Foshan and even the southern region, and create a development highland for the intelligent manufacturing industry in southern China.
It is understood that since its establishment in 2018, JD "Jingzao" has initially established 15 categories, 4500+SKUs, and 500+partners, providing consumers with a one-stop shopping experience for the production, sales, distribution, and after-sales of high-quality products in all categories, from home appliances, kitchen utensils, home series to personal care, beauty, and fresh food.
Following the good news on March 11th that the headquarters of the Entertainment Chopsticks Catering Group and Chidu Furniture successively won two plots of land in Shunde Ronggui and Longjiang, JD's landing not only benefited from the "trust vote" won by the high-quality business environment in Shunde, but also relied on a set of collaborative investment promotion "combination punches" played by the Shunde District Investment Promotion Bureau and relevant departments in the district and town.
Industrial projects are a necessary carrier for expanding effective investment, and they are also the key to achieving high-quality development in Shunde. As of 2023, Shunde has achieved a total signed investment of over 100 billion yuan for two consecutive years. Last year, Shunde continued to increase its investment promotion efforts, successfully introducing the world's top three Aobi Zhongguang project in the field of intelligent visual perception and the leading domestic power device packaging and testing enterprise Xinzhantong Semiconductor project, filling the gap in industrial robot visual perception and solving the problem of a shortage of "chips" and "brains" in smart home appliances, Effectively promoting the development of Shunde's intelligent manufacturing industry.
In 2024, the Shunde investment promotion team raced against time and tirelessly carried out the New Year's investment promotion campaign. From January to February, 25 industrial projects with a total investment of over 100 million yuan were signed, with a total investment exceeding 18 billion yuan. Among them, 8 were major projects with a total investment of over 13 billion yuan, and 3 major projects had already started construction, with a construction rate of 37.5% for major projects.
Next, Shunde will continue to make efforts to focus on the digital transformation of pillar industries such as equipment manufacturing and smart home, and carry out investment promotion. At the same time, it will strengthen internal and external linkage, accelerate the cultivation of new driving forces, and empower Shunde to build the most friendly manufacturing strong area with the actual results of investment promotion.
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