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New energy vehicle companies in September sales completely exploded! Ian breaks the 50,000 mark for the first time and the second tier is huge

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With the arrival of the traditional peak season of gold, silver and ten, some car companies began a new round of promotional activities, and new energy car companies broke out in September, and many car companies created a record high.
On October 1, a number of new energy vehicle companies announced the delivery and sales situation in September. As the leading BYD has not disclosed sales, Ian led the way, and its sales in September broke the 50,000 mark for the first time, breaking a new high. The ideal is still stable, but due to the capacity bottleneck problem, although the monthly delivery of a new high, the actual number has not been significantly broken.
It is worth noting that the second tier is growing larger than the Ethiopian ideal. A number of new forces, including Zero Run, NiO, Xiaopang, and polar Krypton and Nezha cars, have sales of between 12,000 and 15,000 units.
For the first time, Egypt has broken the 50,000 mark
According to data released by Ian, it delivered 51,600 new cars in September, an increase of 72% year-on-year. In fact, this is the first time this year that Aean has really broken the 50,000 mark.
Last month, An had disclosed monthly sales in an atypical way, announcing 52,000 deliveries, and once caused the market to think that sales in the month exceeded the 50,000 mark. In fact, however, the company still sold 45,000 units in the month. Ian sales since May began to occupy around the figure, the core factor is the capacity bottleneck.
In September, the sales of Ian exceeded the 50,000 mark, which may mean that the new energy vehicle enterprise broke through the capacity bottleneck. In the first nine months of this year, Ian has achieved cumulative sales of 351,000 vehicles, an increase of 93%. According to the 500,000 sales target set at the beginning of the year, Ian has completed 70% of the first three quarters.
It should be noted that recently, Zeng Qinghong, chairman of GAC Group, said at the performance meeting that the spin-off listing of An is currently being carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan, and the specific listing time depends on the progress of the listing review and the capital market conditions at that time. He also revealed that Aian's new Haobo suv is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of this year.
Ian was followed by Ideal Automobile, which delivered 36,000 new cars in September, an increase of 212.7% year-on-year and a new high in single month deliveries.
The cumulative deliveries of Ideal cars in the third quarter were 105,100 units, up 296.3% year-on-year. According to Ideal's previously announced sales guidance for the third quarter, its vehicle deliveries are between 100,000 and 103,000 units. At present, this new power car company has exceeded its task. For the whole year, the ideal cumulative delivery has reached 244,200 vehicles.
However, due to capacity problems, the ideal car did not actually achieve significant sequential growth. In the three months of the third quarter, its sales were 34,100, 34,900 and 36,000 units, respectively. Ideal CEO Li Xiang has repeatedly mentioned that ideal is facing production capacity problems in the third quarter, and clearly pointed out that "production capacity is the only bottleneck, there is no solution at present."
The second tier is huge
Judging from the delivery situation in September, the second echelon of new energy vehicles has gradually taken shape. Among them, zero cars announced the delivery of 15,800 vehicles in September, a record high, and the same month to achieve growth. Zerorun has delivered 44,300 vehicles in the third quarter, an increase of 30% from the previous quarter, with an average monthly delivery of nearly 15,000 units.
The completion of all models of the replacement of NIO is slightly weak, its September delivery of 15,600 vehicles, although an increase of 43.8%, but last month fell 19%. In July this year, NiO sales once stood at the 20,000 mark, which also made the market believe that the sales of this new force car companies stabilized.
In the third quarter of this year, NIO delivered a total of 55,400 vehicles, an increase of 75.4%. For the third quarter, the company had expected deliveries in the range of 55,000 to 57,000 vehicles. At present, it seems that Weilai almost stepped on the line through.
Another new force under pressure, Xiaopeng Automobile, has stabilized. It delivered 15,300 vehicles in September, up 12 percent from the previous month, and the G6 model, which was launched with the task of hitting sales, delivered 8,132 vehicles in September. Its total deliveries in the third quarter were just over 40,000 vehicles. According to Xiaopeng's previous delivery guidance, its delivery volume in the third quarter was between 39,000 and 41,000 vehicles.
Xiaopeng's sales have come under great pressure this year. In order to change the declining trend, Xiaopeng's sales model has also recently tilted to the distribution model (4S store model). In addition, Xiaopeng has recently completed product updates, and launched the 2024 G9 model on September 19. According to the plan of Xiaopeng chairman He Xiaopeng, Xiaopeng will hit the goal of delivering 20,000 vehicles per month in the fourth quarter.
In addition, Krypton Motor also delivered 12,000 vehicles in September, compared with 8,276 in the same period last year. Like NIO, although it increased by 46% year on year, it declined by 2% month on month.
Nezha, which had previously shown its decline, delivered 13,200 vehicles across the system in September, down 27% from 18,000 in the same period last year. However, compared to August, September deliveries increased by 9% month-on-month. This new power car company is currently facing the bottleneck of low-end models, and high-end models can not break the embarrassing situation.
In contrast, Landview delivered 5,010 new vehicles in September, up 99 per cent from a year earlier and 25 per cent from the previous month. In the first nine months of this year, Landu's vehicle deliveries increased by 102% year-on-year.
The penetration rate may reach 37.9% in September
Recently, the Passenger Federation is expected to September narrow passenger car retail sales can reach 1.98 million units, an increase of 3.1%, an increase of 3.0%. Among them, the retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles were about 750,000, an increase of 4.7% quarter-on-quarter and 22.3% year-on-year, with a penetration rate of about 37.9%.
In the view of the passenger car Federation, the preferential efforts in the passenger car terminal market continued to expand in August, promoting market enthusiasm, and the rapid release of the backlog of car purchase demand in the early stage. In the end, a total of 1.919 million narrow passenger cars were sold in August, an increase of 2.5% year-on-year, and the market entered the traditional sales season of "gold nine silver ten" in advance, and the performance was higher than expected.
For September, the association analyzed that the promotion of a new round of subsidy policies around the country, the impact of car companies on sales targets in the third quarter, superimposed the Mid-Autumn Festival and the eight-day National Day holiday brought about by the long holiday effect, the car market heat will increase in September.
In fact, since August, whether new cars are listed or preferential activities are launched, new energy vehicle companies have significantly increased their efforts to make profits. Taking Xopeng as an example, on September 19, Xopeng Automobile launched the 2024 Xopeng G9, with a total of 5 configuration models in the whole series, and the price range is 263,900 to 359,900 yuan. Compared with the old model, the price of the entry-level version of the new car is down by 46,000 yuan.
The new Lantu FREE model launched on August 19, compared with the old model, the new price is directly lower than 66,700 yuan.
In terms of direct incentives, for a low-end model, zero run official subsidies reached 10,000 yuan in October, and only 49,900 yuan after subsidies. The ideal car issued a limited time insurance subsidy policy of 10,000 yuan on August 30, for the new purchase of any model in September and the purchase of auto insurance through cooperative insurance institutions, you can enjoy an insurance subsidy of 10,000 yuan.
Dongguan Securities believes that the national steady growth and local support for the expansion of new energy vehicle consumption policies continue to stack new car companies to improve the cost-effective support potential demand release, follow-up new energy vehicle sales are expected to continue to rise. However, the association also believes that the continuous increase of terminal concessions may lead to some price-sensitive consumers to have a wait-and-see mood, delay the purchase of cars and look forward to further price declines.
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