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Robin Lee's latest voice!

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China Fund News reporter Yi Shan
On March 9, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, appeared on a CCTV interview program and shared the latest ideas in the fields of big models, artificial intelligence, etc.
Robin Lee said that "using technology to make the complex world simpler" is Baidu's mission. They have a belief in technology, believing that technology can change the world and make this complex world simpler.
In addition, when asked whether the market would pay attention to the problem of building cars in person, Robin Lee said frankly that the threshold was slightly high, which was troublesome.
The "Hundred Model Battle" is a significant waste of social resources

Robin Lee said bluntly that when Baidu just released ERNIE Bot last year, it attracted a lot of attention, and he also saw the negative comments on the Internet, "I remember a cartoon, a Tesla car, and a small tricycle like that, this is ChatGPT, this is Baidu ERNIE Bot, and the gap between them is huge."
He said he was not angry after reading it. "If these people think so now, I hope they can change this idea within a year. Anyone who can get the right to use ERNIE Bot Professional Edition today can go and compare it with GPT-4. I am very confident."
Robin Lee said that in Chinese, Wenxin 4.0 has exceeded GPT-4. "For example, if I write a poem, many big models can write, but if I ask to write a word of Qinyuan Spring, then GPT is completely confused. It doesn't know whether the first sentence is four words or five words."
At the same time, in the face of the "100 model war" that appeared last year, Robin Lee believed that it was a great waste of social resources, because everyone was doing the same thing through repeated labor, "I have been urging everyone not to roll models, let's roll applications, and only applications can truly create value directly."
"When the big model is so popular, how much real value can it produce? In the past year, I was thinking about it most. When people asked me what I thought about the ChatGPT fire, I said at that time, it is still a little early now. When we can really make applications that are used by hundreds of millions of users, its real value will be reflected." Robin Lee said that in the past year, if we said about anxiety, The main focus is on the ability of the big model and its application.
In addition, when it comes to the changes that big models will bring to human production and life, he said it will be very fundamental and pointed out that there will actually be no profession like programmers in the future. As long as everyone can speak, they may not even need to write, they will have the abilities that programmers have today, "There will only be two programming languages left in the future: one called English and the other called Chinese, which are currently the two most advanced artificial intelligence languages in the world. I think it is still very exciting."
Robin Lee said that in 2024, the most important thing he wanted to promote was to let everyone have the ability to be a programmer.
Artificial intelligence is the most core part of new quality productivity

When it comes to AI, Robin Lee said that it has been nearly 70 years since the word was put forward, but the development of AI is a little slower than he thought. "Maybe every 10 years or so, a group of people are very excited to say that we are finally going to achieve universal AI. Later, it was discovered that it was not so, and the situation was more complicated than expected."
He also stated that the so-called new quality productivity refers to the productivity driven by innovation and the growth driven by innovation. So the biggest innovation space is artificial intelligence technology.
"The advent of AI will bring profound changes to the future society. Young people may be confused. I still see many aspirants, and I call them" driven "in my words. They feel that all these challenges are an opportunity for him to make progress." Robin Lee said that, especially in the field of AI, young people have less muscle memory, He can set aside various ideological constraints from the past and do things that his predecessors have not done before, so hope is still greater than challenge, which is still the same for today's generation of young people.
The threshold for the next car production is slightly higher

In the field of intelligent transportation, Robin Lee said that the biggest application is automatic driving, or unmanned driving.
It is understood that Carrot Run is the world's largest autonomous driving operator, providing users with over 5 million ride services. At present, the fully unmanned autonomous driving fleet of Carrot Run has entered five cities: Beijing, Shenzhen, Wuhan, Chongqing, and Shanghai.
"Our concept is different from all cars, and we call it auto robot." Robin Lee said that robots in the future should not look like people, but like cars.
When asked whether he would build the car himself, Robin Lee said that the threshold was slightly high, which was troublesome. For some car manufacturers, he bluntly said, "Actually, many of them are contract manufacturers. When the production volume is high enough, they gradually build their own factories."
In addition, Robin Lee also mentioned that Baidu attaches great importance to technology. He said that the company's R&D expenses have accounted for more than 20% of its revenue over the years. "The whole China (average) is about 2%, which is quite high. But for Baidu, we are more than 20%."
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