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Robin Lee, the latest voice!

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On March 9, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, said in an interview with CCTV's Dialogue at the beginning of the year that Wenxin 4.0 has surpassed GPT-4 in Chinese.
"For example, to write a poem, many big models can write it. But if I ask to write a word on the word board of Qinyuan Spring, GPT is completely confused. It doesn't know whether the first sentence is four words or five words." Robin Lee gave an example.
According to Baidu's latest financial reports for the fourth quarter and full year of 2023, the company's total revenue in 2023 reached 134.598 billion yuan, with a non GAAP of 28.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 39%; In the fourth quarter, the revenue was 34.951 billion yuan, and the net profit (non GAAP) was 7.755 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 44%. In 2023, Baidu's annual revenue and profit exceeded market expectations, and AI became a new driving force for performance growth.
By the end of December 2023, the number of ERNIE Bot users has exceeded 100 million. In the past year, Baidu comprehensively promoted the AI proto biochemical reconstruction of its products and services, launched Baidu New Search, Baidu New Library, ERNIE Bot App and other AI native applications, as well as AI marketing tools such as Qingge and brand intelligence.
Three years ago, Robin Lee wrote in the Letter to Shareholders when Baidu went back to Hong Kong for listing that Baidu was "able to endure extreme loneliness and hide under the stars and sea". When this sentence was mentioned again in the interview, Robin Lee said, "It is getting closer and closer to the end of the journey" "I am very excited to see the dawn, the darkest stage, and various possibilities coming."
"In 2024, the most important thing I want to promote is to let everyone have the ability to be a programmer." Robin Lee said that the big model will be very fundamental for the change of human production and life. The Internet has changed a lot of our lives, but this wave of AI changes will be more thorough and profound.
In the field of artificial intelligence, Robin Lee believes that young people face more opportunities and "hope is greater than challenge".
"Young people may be confused or excited, but I think the most important thing is to find out what they like best and what they are good at, and do it when they are right. Don't follow the trend or waver." Robin Lee said, "In my word, he (young people) is very ambitious. I still see many such people. They think all these challenges are opportunities for him to make progress. Especially in the field of artificial intelligence, I believe that for young people, they have less muscle memory and can better set aside various ideological constraints in the past to do things that have not been done before. So hope is still greater than challenge, which is still the case for today's generation of young people
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