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Ideal MEGA equipped with Ningde Era Kirin battery leads the industry in charging power and speed

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Shanghai Securities News China Securities Network (Reporter Yu Liyan) Ideal Automobile recently held its 2024 spring press conference to officially release its first pure electric MPV - Ideal MEGA. The ideal MEGA is equipped with the Ningde Times Kirin battery, which can charge for 12 minutes and have a range of 500 kilometers, achieving the first two advantages of mass-produced models: charging power first and charging speed first. After the press conference, business leaders from both sides accepted an exclusive interview with reporters.
It is reported that the new Ningde Times Kirin Battery is based on the third-generation CTP architecture. In order to achieve the goal of 5C overcharging, Ningde Times and the Ideal team have jointly researched and developed the technology, with a total of over a thousand people. From the basic material system to the structural system, they have conducted in-depth technical research and development, and the development cycle is at least twice that of a normal project.
"The Kirin battery is a customized service for the differentiated needs of the entire vehicle. We divide Kirin batteries into different matrices based on their super performance. For example, the Kirin 5C battery, which is a collaboration between Ideal and CATL, can achieve a charging time of 12 minutes and a range of 500 kilometers, which is currently the fastest battery replenishment speed in the world. At the same time, it can also achieve a long range of over 700 kilometers, which are all characteristics." CTO Gao Huan of CATL's domestic passenger car division told reporters.
According to Gao Huan, on the one hand, in order to achieve a peak charging rate of over 5C, CATL has developed a super ion ring graphite negative electrode with a peak charging capacity of over 5C; Developed ultra-high conductivity electrolyte, which improves charging kinetics by 30% through a thinner, more uniform, and denser SEI film; Optimize the isolation membrane to improve the overall dynamics of the battery by 10%. On the other hand, in order to achieve more sustained peak charging power, multiple rounds of disassembly, demonstration, and testing were conducted to increase the internal resistance from 0.5m Ω to within 0.3m Ω. At the same time, targeted optimization of the heat dissipation structure allows the Kirin battery to have a maximum heat dissipation power of up to 16kW.
In terms of battery safety, Kirin Battery has applied the world's highest thermal failure safety standard, which is 50&amp# 8451; There is no open flame when the cooling system is not working. The Kirin battery also introduces a saddle beam structure to ensure collision safety. During the testing phase, Kirin Battery passed all 130 safety design indicators and 951 safety tests.
The Kirin 5C battery has completed large-scale mass production in 2023, helping Ideal MEGA achieve delivery upon release and increase in quantity upon delivery. According to the plan, the Ideal Automotive Charging Network will build over 700 5C super charging stations and over 1300 urban super charging stations by the end of 2024, with plans to cover 90% of national high-speed mainlines by 2025.
Gao Huan stated that CATL expects to build a super fast charging ecosystem at the industry level.
Liu Zhimin, Senior Director of Power Battery at Ideal Automobile, introduced that since its establishment in 2015, Ideal Automobile has been jointly developing with CATL from the first generation product Ideal ONE to the second generation L9, L8, and L7. Ideal Automobile has delivered 680000 vehicles, the vast majority of which use CATL batteries.
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