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The three major US stock indexes closed higher, with the Nasdaq reaching a new historical closing high. Nvidia's closing market value exceeded $2 trillion for the first time

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On Friday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with the Nasdaq rising 1.14% to a new closing high, the Dow Jones up 1.74% this week, the Dow Jones up 0.23%, and a cumulative decline of 0.11% this week. The S&P 500 index rose 0.8% to a new closing high, with a cumulative increase of 0.95% this week. Most popular technology stocks rose, with Broadcom up more than 7%, AMD up more than 5%, Nvidia up 4%, closing at $2 trillion for the first time, Qualcomm up more than 3%, and Meta up more than 2%.
After announcing a $2.4 billion goodwill write down due to significant internal control deficiencies and a tenfold increase in fourth quarter losses, the US regional bank New York Community Bank (NYCB) opened down 27.8% and closed down nearly 26%.
Global News
The US government plans to investigate the Chinese response to electric vehicles manufactured in China
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a regular press conference today (1st). At the meeting, a reporter asked about the announcement by the United States of plans to take "unprecedented action" against imported cars from China. In response, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning stated that the popularity of Chinese cars worldwide is not due to so-called unfair practices, but rather to technological innovation and excellent quality formed in fierce market competition. Mao Ning pointed out that this politicization of economic and trade issues will only hinder the development of the US automotive industry. We urge the US to respect the laws of market economy and the principle of fair competition, stop generalizing national security concepts, stop discrimination and suppression of Chinese enterprises, and effectively maintain an open, fair, and non discriminatory business environment.
The matter of interest rate reduction cannot be rushed! Federal Reserve heavyweight officials emphasize that once policies are in place, wait for inflation to fall back
What impact does the latest inflation indicator released in the United States have on the Federal Reserve's decisions? After the PCE index in the United States hit its largest increase in 11 months in January, the statements of senior Federal Reserve officials seem to be becoming increasingly "stable".
2023 Global Energy "Strange Scenery": Clean energy increases carbon emissions but reaches a historic high
A report from the International Energy Agency (IEA) on Thursday (March 1) showed that global energy related carbon dioxide emissions reached a historic high last year, which goes against the global climate goals set by the Paris Agreement.
Musk sues OpenAI for AI threat
Musk stated in the lawsuit that Ultraman and OpenAI violated an agreement reached at the time of the company's establishment that the purpose of developing technology was to benefit humanity rather than profit. Musk said in the lawsuit, "OpenAI has transformed into a de facto closed source subsidiary of Microsoft, the world's largest technology company. Under the leadership of its new board of directors, it is not only developing but actually improving AGI to maximize Microsoft's profits, rather than for the benefit of humanity."
Amidst the surge of Bitcoin, Xiaomo warns that the "halving" trend may cool down and lead to a pullback of over 30%
Bitcoin has been on a strong rise recently: it has risen by about 45% so far this year, and even surpassed $64000 on Thursday, approaching its previous high of $69000 on November 8, 2021.
Company News
Being pressured by Huawei? IPhone prices plummeted by over a thousand yuan on a platform!
Upon checking the official flagship stores of Tmall and JD.com, it was found that after stacking store and platform coupons, the selling price of iPhone 15 128G was only 4849 yuan, and other products of the iPhone 15 series also hit a new historical low in official flagship stores. Among them, some models are priced 1300 yuan (180 US dollars) lower than usual.
The "Seven Giants" of the US stock market and the "Eleven Knights" of the European stock market! Taking History as a Mirror: Is it a Good Choice Currently?
Wall Street has always been good at telling stories. Recently, while the "Magnificent 7" in the US stock market is still hot, Wall Street has timely introduced the concept of "GRANOLAS" in European stocks. This concept consists of 11 European stocks - GlaxoSmithKline, Roche, Asma, Nestle, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, L'Oreal, LVMH, AstraZeneca, SAP, and Sanofi. (Take the first letter of each company's name, and share if duplicate)
AMD's market value has crossed the $300 billion mark for the first time! But CEO Su Zifeng is quietly cashing out?
As AMD's stock price continues to soar, the company's market value ranking among S&P 500 constituent stocks has jumped from 222 five years ago to 22 today. However, while AMD's stock price is soaring like a rocket, AMD CEO Su Zifeng has recently made an unusual cash out move.
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