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Indonesia bans sales on social media platforms, TikTok's second-largest market hit

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Ant Xiaojin plans to increase capital to RMB 23 billion and increase shareholders to 13
According to the surging news, Chongqing Ant consumer Finance Co., Ltd. once again increased capital and shares. It is reported that this capital increase is the second phase of the Ant Xiaojin capital increase plan, and this round of capital increase is the last step of the overall capital increase plan last year. After the completion of this round of capital increase, the registered capital of Chongqing Ant Xiaojin Company will be 23 billion yuan, which will be used to orderly undertake the flower and loan business of two small loan companies, and the two small loan companies will also achieve a stable and orderly market exit within the year. At the same time, the number of shareholders of Ant Xiaojin has also increased from 12 to 13, and Chongqing Yufuhuamao State-owned Assets Management Co., Ltd. is a new shareholder, holding 4.041%, and is the seventh largest shareholder.
reported that NIO and Mercedes-Benz held talks on investment, technical cooperation and other issues
According to Reuters, sources said Mercedes-Benz had tentative preliminary talks with NIO earlier this year about a partnership, with Mercedes-Benz seeking to invest in the latter in exchange for NIO sharing technology and research and development capabilities. However, the tie-up has been met with resistance within Mercedes. However, interface said that NIO and Mercedes-Benz denied "negotiating investment and technology sharing", NIO denied that it had talked about cooperation with Mercedes-Benz, saying that the relevant reports were "not true", but did not elaborate. Mercedes-benz also responded that it currently has no plans to work with NIO.
JD.com will soon launch Tesla car ordering service, but denied
According to Auto, Jingdong Mall will launch Tesla car ordering service in the near future. A person familiar with the matter said that after the launch of the Tesla car ordering service on JD.com, consumers will be able to pay a deposit on JD.com, and that the project is progressing, "after some time [consumers] will be able to place orders directly online." This news was confirmed with Tesla China and JD.com officials, both sides would not comment. However, Yinshi finance quoted Jingdong as saying: the news is untrue.
Long Quan, Chairman of Autohome, was appointed as Secretary of the Party Committee of Ping An Property Insurance and is to be appointed as chairman
According to Thepaper.cn news, Ping An of China appointed Long Quan, chairman and CEO of Autohome, as a member of the Party Committee and secretary of Ping An Property Insurance. Upon completion of the relevant tenure procedures, Long Quan will become Chairman and Chief executive Officer of Ping An Property Insurance. In January 2021, Long Quan became Chairman and CEO of Autohome. Auto Home is a domestic 2B and 2C "content ecology + tool service + trading platform" one-stop car life service provider. Ping An of China bought more than 47 per cent of Autohome for $1.6bn in 2016 and remains the largest shareholder.
Wurth Group and NIO sign a global strategic cooperation agreement
According to Sina Finance, recently, NIO signed a global strategic cooperation agreement with Wurth Group, a global market provider for the development, production and sales of fastening and assembly materials. According to the cooperation agreement, in Europe, Wurth will support the customization of NIO mobile service vehicles, and help NIO develop sales, after-sales service and replenishment networks through the brand integrated store of Wurth, and help NIO improve logistics efficiency through the existing logistics network of Wurth. In China, NIO will start cooperation with Wurth in after-sales service, maintenance products, labor insurance supplies, logistics services, brand construction and other aspects.
Ali Magic Vision set up a film and television culture company including AI application software development business
According to the App shows, recently, Beijing Frame enjoy vision film and television culture Communication Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Xu Jia, the registered capital of 10 million yuan, the business scope includes the organization of cultural and artistic exchange activities, artificial intelligence application software development, copyright agency, electronic product sales, film production services. Shareholder information shows that the company is wholly owned by Shenli Vision (Shenzhen) Culture and Technology Co., LTD., a subsidiary of Alibaba Culture and Entertainment Co.
New Oriental set up a new art training company in Zhengzhou
Recently, Zhengzhou Zhengdong New Oriental Culture and Art Training Co., Ltd. was established, the legal representative is Tang Haoping, registered capital of 150,000 yuan, the business scope includes engaged in art training for-profit private training institutions, daily necessities sales, stationery wholesale, sporting goods and equipment wholesale, education consulting services. The panoramic penetration map shows that the company is wholly owned by Zhengzhou Slim Education Consulting Co., LTD., which is indirectly wholly owned by New Oriental Education and Technology Group Co., LTD.
Regain the dream of medium and long video, Tiktok Kuaishou push new App
According to Tech Planet, recently, Kuaishou launched an APP called "Puji", the product positioning is the trend video community, including fashion, music, art, two yuan and other interest knowledge video, graphic content. Not long ago, Tiktok's B station version of the APP "Green Peach", recently changed its name to "Tiktok Selection", positioning young people's interest knowledge video platform. It is worth noting that these two products have the same characteristics, belong to the same type of young people's interest in the video community, and the video length includes medium and long videos, whether it is content style, or video type, which can not help but remind people of B station.
Indonesia bans sales on social media platform TikTok's second largest market setback
According to IT House, Indonesia's Trade Ministry said on Tuesday that it is working to regulate the e-commerce market by banning transactions on social media platforms. This means that Indonesian users cannot buy and sell products and services on social media platforms such as TikTok and Facebook. The move in Indonesia will affect TikTok's goal of establishing an e-commerce presence there. Indonesia is TikTok's second-largest market, with 113 million users, behind the United States with 116.5 million, according to research firm DataReportal. In June, TikTok said it planned to invest tens of billions of dollars in Indonesia and Southeast Asia over the next few years.
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