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BYD completely blocks its opponents? The high-end and low-end factories in Europe will be delivered by the end of March, both of which are essential

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Faced with an increasingly "involute" market and its own increasingly high sales target, BYD has frequently acted in the market and product side after entering the the Year of the Loong.
On February 25th, BYD's high-end brand, Yangwang, officially launched its second model, Yangwang U9, with a price of up to 1.68 million yuan. According to the plan, this new car, which is positioned as a pure electric performance supercar and can be considered the "ceiling" of domestic brand prices, will be launched and delivered in the middle of this year.
Due to being equipped with the BYD Yunnian-X intelligent fully active body control system, the U9's "jumping in place" has always been a concern in the industry. According to the official introduction, the Yunnian-X can achieve a maximum adjustable stroke of 75mm when looking up at U9, with a single axle lifting speed as fast as 500mm/s and a maximum lifting force of over 1 ton per wheel. In addition, BYD's latest technologies such as Yi Sifang, Super Carbon Cabin, and second-generation CTB are all being implemented on the Looking Up U9. As a supercar, looking up at U9, the latest measured top speed has reached 309.19km/h, with a measured acceleration of 2.36s from 0-100km/h and only 9.78s from 0-400m. At the beginning of 2023, BYD released its high-end brand look up and look up, the first high-end hardcore SUV look up U8. Data shows that the Yangwang U8, priced at 1.098 million yuan, sold 1652 units in January 2024 and has delivered a total of 3653 units over the past two months since its launch.
However, BYD, which has temporarily become the king in the high-end market, has not given up its foundation in the mass market. Within a week before the official launch of the Yangwang U9, which costs up to 1.68 million yuan, BYD took the lead in provoking a "price war" in the the Year of the Loong car market with the help of three special models. On February 19th, the BYD Qin PLUS Honor Edition and Destroyer 05 Honor Edition were launched, with no reduction in new car configurations and a starting price of 79800 yuan; On February 23rd, the BYD Dolphin Honor Edition, also known as the "increase in quantity but not price", was launched with a starting price of 99800 yuan.
On February 26th, BYD officially announced that the first week of order for the Qin PLUS Honor Edition, which entered the 70000 yuan price range for the first time, reached 23590 units.
Not only in the domestic market, the first BYD passenger car factory that has previously announced its layout in Europe has also made the latest progress. It is reported that high-level officials of the Hungarian government and local officials in the location of BYD's passenger car factory met with the BYD delegation from February 23 to 24. According to the Hungarian side, the BYD Segde factory covers an area of 300 hectares (4500 acres) and is expected to start production in the second half of 2025. Local government officials stated that the land will be delivered in three batches, with the first batch of 150 hectares to be delivered by the end of March, the second batch of 130 hectares to be delivered by the end of September, and the last batch to be delivered by the end of this year. At the beginning of this year, BYD signed a land pre purchase agreement with the city of Seged, Hungary. As the "headquarters" of BYD's European market, on February 23rd, BYD officially announced the delivery of BYD ATTO3 (corresponding to the Yuan PLUS model in China) to the first batch of car owners in Hungary. Since entering the Hungarian market, BYD has established three stores in the capital Budapest, and it is expected that its sales and service network in Hungary will expand to six by the end of 2024.
In addition to the Hungarian factory, the BYD Uzbekistan factory officially started production of new energy vehicles on January 25th. According to the system, BYD Uzbekistan factory is jointly built by BYD and UzAuto (Uzavtosanoat JSC), a local car manufacturer in Uzbekistan, and is located in Jizak Oblast to produce two models: destroyer and Song.
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