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Non bank payment regulations are becoming more prominent, but Bilibili's acquisition of payment licenses has failed | Big Factory Financial Affairs

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After more than two years, the acquisition of Bilibili's payment license has officially come to an end.
Recently, Interface News learned from the Ningbo Public Resource Trading Electronic Service System website that Yuyao China Plastic City Group Co., Ltd. and others have once again listed and auctioned 65.5% of the state-owned equity of Zhejiang Yongyi Electronic Payment Co., Ltd. The attachment of the auction transaction shows that the Yuyao Municipal Government has issued a document agreeing to the listing transaction.
In addition, as the listed party, documents from Yuyao China Plastic City Group and others also indicate that the Ningbo branch of the People's Bank of China has officially issued a "Decision on the Rejection of Administrative License Applications", which decides not to accept the administrative license application of Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. as the main investor and actual controller of Yongyi Pay.
This means that Bilibili's plan to acquire a 65.5% equity stake in Yongyi Pay has failed, and the cooperation between Yuyao China Plastic City Logistics Co., Ltd., Yuyao China Plastic City Group Co., Ltd., and Kuanyu Digital (Bilibili) has failed.
In November 2021, it was announced that 65.5% of the state-owned equity of Zhejiang Yongyi Electronic Payment Co., Ltd. was acquired by Shanghai Kuanyu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., the operating entity of Bilibili, for a transaction price of RMB 117965500.
Yuyao China Plastics City Group stated in a document that considering the survival difficulties of Yongyi Payment in the future, as well as the implementation of the "Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Non Bank Payment Institutions" issued by the State Council from May 1, 2024, the conditions for the renewal of payment licenses are extremely strict, which makes Yongyi Payment face huge insurance risks. At the same time, in order to solve problems such as the preservation and appreciation of state-owned assets, after collective discussion by the company's management team, After discussion and approval by the Party Group Meeting of the Plastic City Management Center, it has been decided to issue a pre announcement before the Spring Festival regarding the 65.5% state-owned equity of "Yongyi Payment" (56.5% of Yuyao China Plastic City Logistics Co., Ltd. and 9% of Yuyao China Plastic Science City Group Co., Ltd.) to be publicly transferred to the whole country at a price not lower than the original asset appraisal price of 180 million yuan, in order to reintroduce strategic partners that meet the central bank's filing requirements.
Public information shows that Yongyi Payment was established in July 2011 and is a state-owned holding enterprise in Yuyao, Zhejiang. In June 2012, it obtained the Payment Business License issued by the People's Bank of China. It has a national Internet payment license. In June 2017, Yongyi Pay successfully obtained a renewal for a period of five years. In June 2022, the central bank disclosed that the license of Yongyi Payment was successfully renewed once again.
Previously, Yongyi Pay had received multiple fines from the Ningbo branch of the People's Bank of China. On October 30, 2019, the Ningbo Central Branch of the People's Bank of China imposed a total fine of over one million yuan on Yongyi Pay for providing payment services for illegal transactions, tampering with, and concealing transaction information.
The content of the fine shows that Yongyi Pay has tampered with and concealed transaction information, and the circumstances are serious, violating relevant regulations on clearing management; The Ningbo branch of the People's Bank of China issued a warning to the illegal behavior of failing to establish and implement the management system for settlement accounts of acquiring banks in accordance with regulations, confiscating illegal gains of 150765.01 yuan and imposing a fine of 1.03 million yuan; Give a warning to one responsible person and impose an administrative penalty of 50000 yuan.
In addition, targeting Yongyi Pay for providing payment services for illegal transactions, which harms the payment service market; The Ningbo branch of the People's Bank of China fined a total of 60000 yuan on October 22 for the illegal act of failing to establish and implement the management system for settlement accounts of acquiring banks in accordance with regulations.
According to public information, the balance sheet of Yongyi Pay shows that as of the end of 2023, the company's total assets were 156 million yuan, with a total annual revenue of 5.9163 million yuan and a net profit of -3.7359 million yuan.
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