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Sudden! The first batch of Vision Pro users were exposed to have returned a large number of products due to the expiration of the tasting period

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"Fruit fans are starting to return Vision Pro in large quantities" on the hot search.
On February 16th, the trial period for Apple's first head mounted display device, Vision Pro, expired. However, the first batch of Vision Pro users were reported to have returned a large number of products.
The "flaws" of Vision Pro mainly focus on uncomfortable wearing experience, headache, eye fatigue, and other aspects. Institutional analysts say that Vision Pro is still a niche product, facing many problems and lacking killer applications. Although Vision Pro is unlikely to have a disruptive impact on the consumer market in terms of sales in the short term, it has set a new industry benchmark.
There are many "flaws"
On February 2nd, Apple launched the Hybrid Reality Head Display Vision Pro in the US market. According to Apple's official purchasing policy, users who receive goods on February 2nd have a 14 day experience time. According to media reports, there are more and more "roast" on social platforms, and many users even choose to return goods in succession.
In the early stages of Vision Pro release, sales were very hot. According to a research report by Donghai Securities, Apple sold 160000 to 180000 Vision Pro units in the first weekend after the pre-sale began on January 19th. Within less than 10 days of pre-sale, Apple had already sold over 200000 Vision Pro units.
Why do users choose to return goods? According to media reports, the "flaws" of Vision Pro mainly focus on uncomfortable wearing experience, headache, eye fatigue, and other aspects.
In fact, as early as January, there were evaluations showing that Vision Pro still has many issues to solve. The weight issue of Vision Pro has not been effectively improved, and reviewers claim that wearing standard straps for 20 minutes can cause significant discomfort.
Apple official website
Analysis suggests that technology is not the main issue at hand, and the lack of killer applications is the challenge Vision Pro faces.
Market research firm Jibang Consulting believes that the main challenges faced by Vision Pro are insufficient battery life, insufficient applications, and affordable prices.
Still a niche product
In fact, Vision Pro is still a niche product. Market research firm Counterpoint believes that the $3499 pricing indicates that Vision Pro is not aimed at ordinary consumers, but rather at professional users and content developers.
According to a research report by Donghai Securities, the high pricing of Vision Pro means that its first users will mainly be audiophiles and app developers, rather than the general public. The purpose is to anchor the MR software and hardware standards through the first MR product, attract developers from the Apple ecosystem to join and cultivate the Vision OS software ecosystem, and launch affordable second-generation products when the time is ripe, thereby attracting consumers.
Jibang Consulting believes that Vision Pro is an important layout for Apple to expand its headphone market and also enter the VR/AR market through this product. It is expected that the shipment volume of Vision Pro will reach 500000 to 600000 units in 2024.
Huatai Securities believes that assuming the shipment volume of Vision Pro's first generation products is between 500000 and 1 million units, the optimistic calculation shows that the first generation products will drive the supply chain by about 3 billion US dollars in a year, while the Apple phone will drive the supply chain by about 60 billion US dollars, which is a significant difference. Therefore, the overall performance of supply chain companies will be limited by this year's first generation products. However, with the cost reduction of Vision Pro second-generation products, as well as the following of friends and the establishment of the overall software application ecosystem, the industry is expected to open up significant growth space.
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