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The controversy surrounding the fake Biden call has not been resolved. The US government has included AIGC voice calls in legal regulations

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On Thursday local time, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that it has unanimously passed a ruling that includes the use of AI cloning sound technology in machine automated dial-up phones within the current legal framework. This move will provide legal basis and enforcement measures for local judicial institutions to punish such behavior.
Coincidentally, during last month's primary election in New Hampshire, many voters received calls from Biden asking them not to go out to vote. It is obvious that the voice on the phone is synthesized using AI. The New Hampshire prosecutor's office and FCC have identified the source of these calls and are currently investigating. It is reported that this AI voice is very similar to Biden's voice, and also uses the catchphrase "What a bunch of nonsense" commonly used by US presidents.
Although the FCC's attention to AIGC voice harassment phone calls predates this incident, there is no doubt that the current president and election candidates have become victims of AI fraud, significantly increasing public attention to "AI wrongdoing.".
AI harassing phone calls are being regulated
Specifically, this ruling will include robot phones using AI cloning sound tools within the enforcement scope of the 1991 Consumer Telephone Protection Act. This legislation aims to limit the creation of spam phones using artificial or pre recorded voice information, with AI being categorized as "artificial".
Through this ruling, the FCC will have the power to fine companies that make AI harassing calls and "unplug" them, while local prosecutors can also enforce the law based on this, and ordinary people who receive harassing calls can also claim damages.
According to this law from 30 years ago, in most cases, telemarketers cannot use automatic dialers or pre recorded voice messages to make phone calls, and cannot make such calls to landline phones without the prior written consent of the caller. In other words, after the latest ruling is issued, they will only receive AI voice calls with the prior consent of the recipients.
Companies that violate this law will face a fine of up to $23000 per call, and consumers who receive such harassing calls have the right to take legal action and demand compensation of up to $1500 per call.
FCC Chairman Jessica Rosenwald said that although it may sound like a distant future, this threat has arrived. Everyone could be the recipient of these fake phone calls, so the FCC feels it's time to take action now.
AI security becomes a political focus
As artificial intelligence gradually shifts from PPT to accessible daily applications, the security threats and regulatory lag it brings are also the focus of recent attention by the US government.
US Secretary of Commerce Raymond announced this week the appointment of White House Economic Advisor Elizabeth Kelly as the director of the newly established US Institute for AI Security (USAISI). US President Biden signed an executive order in October last year to establish the organization, which is under the jurisdiction of the National Institute of Standards and Technology of the Department of Commerce.
(Source: US Department of Commerce) It is reported that the first important task of the research institute after its establishment is to develop industry standards for the "red team" engaged in testing artificial intelligence security before July, ensuring that AI systems on the market are sufficiently safe for businesses and consumers.
To support this political goal, the US government has also led the establishment of the Artificial Intelligence Security Research Institute Alliance (AISIC). According to official website data, more than 200 well-known companies and organizations have joined this alliance, including tech giants such as Apple, Microsoft, Nvidia, Google, Amazon, Meta, OpenAI, as well as industry leaders such as Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, KPMG, and Thomson Reuters.
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