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Vision Pro underestimated? Comment from a strategist at Da Mo: It will be Apple's "call option"!

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At 8:00 AM Pacific Time on February 2nd (0:00 Beijing Time on February 3rd), Apple Vision Pro was officially launched in the United States.
Although Wall Street's response to the product was limited, Morgan Stanley strategists gave unexpectedly high praise after experiencing it in practice, believing that the "huge" potential of this product should make investors even more excited.
Da Mo gives a super high evaluation of the experience
On Tuesday Eastern Time, analysts from Daimler&Co released a report, led by Erik W. Woodring, describing their positive experience after 72 hours of using Apple's new headphones.
The Morgan Stanley team stated, "So far, we have been impressed by the experience with this device and believe that consumer content - immersive videos, mixed reality games, sports live streaming, etc. - will become the initial consumer 'killer application' on this device."
Woodlin commented that the content consumption provided on the Vision Pro dual HD screen is "unbelievably good.".
He said, "This is a completely new way of content consumption, where you can get as close to the 'real world' as possible even if you're not physically present. So far, this is what impressed us the most about this device... Vision Pro is clearly designed to become a content engine."
In addition, Vision Pro's eye tracking function and external camera are more accurate and responsive than expected. Morgan Stanley believes that VisionPro may soon become a useful productivity tool, similar to a computer with multiple displays.
According to the bank's autumn 2023 AlphaWise smartphone survey, 33% of US iPhone users indicated that they may purchase the Vision Pro within the first 12 months after its release.
Morgan Stanley predicts that Apple can increase the revenue generated by Vision Pro to $4 billion within four years of its release, a growth rate that will surpass the first four years of AirPods, second only to the Apple Watch.
The next few generations of products will have more optimizations
From the current evaluation, the biggest drawback of Vision Pro is its selling price: the official retail price is $3500, which has already deterred many consumers; Currently, in overseas markets outside the United States, its unofficial resale prices even reach $5000 to $6300.
Morgan Stanley analysts added, "We believe that until Apple launches a more reasonably priced new model, the Vision Pro will remain a niche consumer device and is unlikely to have a significant impact on Apple's financial model."
Considering Apple's track record on iPhones and other products, the next few generations of Apple's Vision Pro should be improved.
In Morgan Stanley's view, this hopeful trajectory is actually a "free call option" for Apple's innovation, which may continue to bring new upward space in the next five years.
It can be certain that for consumers, this product may take some time to adapt, as its experience is like placing a small computer on your face. Analysts say that at this point, they will still choose to watch movies on regular TV screens instead of Vision Pro, although the latter is more immersive.
In other areas that require improvement, analysts point out that a native application ecosystem still needs to be established. In addition, the product also needs to be paired with higher pixel videos to further enhance the user experience.
Of course, considering that this is an official product priced at $3500, the most important thing to attract more customers is to lower the price.
As of Wednesday's close, Apple's stock price hovered around $189 per share. Morgan Stanley maintains its 12 month target price of $220 unchanged, which means the potential upside potential for the stock is about 16%.
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