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Apple announces significant concessions: EU users will be able to download apps through third parties

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With the introduction of the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple has had to make concessions, and in the future, iPhone users in the European Union can finally download apps through third parties
On Thursday (January 25th) local time, Apple announced on its official website that it will comply with the Digital Market Act and make changes to the iOS system, Safari browser, and App Store in the EU region, which will have an impact on developers' apps. These changes include over 600 new APIs, expanded app analytics, support for alternative browser engines, and new options for handling app payments and issuing iOS apps.
Apple has stated that developers can currently access the Apple Developer Support page to learn about the above changes, and the new features can be tested in iOS 17.4 beta from now on. The above new features will be available to users in 27 EU countries starting from March 2024.
The company's plan will only apply to the EU region, and the most notable feature is undoubtedly allowing users to download software to iPhones for the first time without using the App Store. In addition, Apple's changes also include allowing users to easily choose a new default web browser.
Apple Senior Advisor Phil Schiller said, "The changes we announced today aim to comply with the relevant provisions of the European Union's Digital Markets Act, while helping to protect EU users from the inevitable increase in privacy and security threats brought about by the Act. Our primary goal remains to create an extremely secure and excellent experience for European and global users."
Previously, the European Union passed the Digital Markets Act in 2022, aimed at curbing so-called anticompetitive behavior by technology companies.
One issue that this bill attempts to address is Apple's App Store policy, aimed at breaking the company's closed iPhone application ecosystem. Although the Digital Marketplace Act also applies to Google, unlike Apple's iOS devices, Google's Android smartphones allow users to install applications outside of the Google Play Store, thus Google itself complies with this element of the law.
Apple has previously defended its policy of controlling downloads through the App Store multiple times, stating that it is necessary to ensure the security of the iPhone and reduce virus intrusion.
In the latest press release, Apple still stated that, The new options for handling payments and downloading apps in iOS will provide opportunities for malware, fraud, inappropriate and harmful content, and other privacy and security threats. Therefore, Apple will provide protection measures including iOS app notarization, market developer authorization, and disclosure of alternative payment information to reduce risks and provide EU users with the best possible secure and excellent experience. However, even with these protection measures, many risks still exist Existence
The following are the main changes made by Apple this time:
Changes to iOS
In the EU region, Apple will follow DMA to make multiple changes to iOS. For developers, these changes include new options for publishing apps. The changes that iOS will undergo in the EU region include:
By offering new options to replace iOS apps in the app market, including new APIs and tools, developers can provide iOS apps for users to download in app markets outside of the App Store.
Create a new framework and API to replace the app market - allowing market developers to represent other developers, install apps and manage updates through their dedicated market apps.
A new framework and API to replace browser engines - enabling developers to use browser engines outside of WebKit, providing browser apps and apps that include an in app browsing experience.
Interoperability Application Form - Developers can submit additional applications to achieve interoperability between iPhone and iOS software and hardware features.
Apple will also share changes related to contactless payments to comply with DMA regulations. The European Commission has previously announced this news. These changes include new APIs that enable developers to use NFC technology in their banking and wallet apps within the European economy. In the EU region, Apple will introduce new control options that allow users to choose to default to using third-party contactless payment apps or alternative app markets.
Changes to Safari browser
IOS users can now set third-party web browsers (non Safari browsers) as their default browser. According to DMA regulations, Apple will also introduce a new selection interface, which will be displayed when users first open Safari browser in iOS 17.4 or later versions. This interface will prompt EU users to select the default browser from the options list.
The change made in response to DMA regulations means that EU users must face a default browser list before they can understand the available options. This interface will also interrupt the experience of EU users when they first open Safari browser and attempt to access the webpage.
Changes to the App Store
In the App Store, Apple will share a series of changes involving developers who distribute apps in the EU region, which will have an impact on Apple operating system apps such as iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. These changes also include new information disclosures informing EU users of the potential risks associated with alternative methods of using the App Store for secure payment processing.
For developers, these changes include:
A new option for using payment service providers (PSPs) - to process payment activities for purchasing digital goods and services within the developer's app.
A new option for processing payments through external links - users can complete digital goods and services transactions on the developer's external website. Developers can also showcase promotions, discounts, and other benefits to EU users on the app.
Business planning tool - for developers to estimate costs and understand indicators related to Apple's new business terms for apps within the European Union.
Apple has stated that it will not be able to provide refunds for apps that use alternative payment processing methods, and its ability to provide support in the event of customer issues or fraud will also be limited. Practical App Store features such as reporting issues, family sharing, and pre purchase inquiries will also not be applicable to these transactions.
New business terms for EU region apps
Apple also shared new business terms on Thursday for developers who distribute apps in the EU region.
Developers can choose to adopt these new business terms or maintain Apple's existing terms. If developers need to use new features such as alternative distribution or alternative payment processing in EU released apps, they must adopt these new business terms.
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