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The new standards for the audio industry are coming! China Electronics Audio Industry Association and Tencent Music have reached a strategic cooperation agreement

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In recent years, the integration of audio technology, audio content sources, and the audio industry has deepened, especially in the fields of voice large models and intelligent speakers, low-frequency audio sources and auxiliary listening equipment, spatial audio and the automotive industry, forming a diversified "big audio" ecosystem.
On January 24th, the China Electronics Audio Industry Association reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Tencent Music Entertainment Group, focusing on establishing new standards for audio technology and bridging the upstream and downstream industry chain collaboration from audio source end to audio terminal.
Specifically, the two sides will engage in comprehensive cooperation in multiple fields such as audio source, channel, and terminal, covering standard research, writing, application promotion, industry promotion, international exchange, and sharing of technology and market resources. The focus will be on jointly promoting the formulation and implementation of audio industry standards.
Among them, the audio industry standards include spatial audio interaction technology and end device playback capabilities, which can optimize the interaction between wireless headphones and platforms, achieve a more vivid spatial sound experience, and ensure that headphones and other devices can high-quality restore the sound quality of the audio source, improving overall audio performance. It is worth mentioning that this will fill the gap in this field both domestically and internationally.
The formulation of industry standards is closely related to high-quality content and audio technology. Zhou Wenjiang, Vice President of Technology at Tencent Music Entertainment Group and Head of Tianqin Laboratory, stated that QQ Music has established a mature audio source technology standard and evaluation system, and has launched the industry's first "premium certification" for the playback capability of hardware devices such as headphones and speakers.
It is understood that this is the first time QQ Music has launched it in the industry, specifically for evaluating the playback ability of audio hardware devices. It requires passing seven rigorous hardware indicator tests and two comprehensive playback ability certifications. At present, this certification has covered the products of multiple well-known hardware manufacturers such as OnePlus, Honor, Amber, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Meizu, etc., including different categories of hardware devices such as headphones, tablets, and smart glasses.
On the other hand, QQ Music will upgrade its "Hi Res" sound quality to "Hi Res lossless quality" starting from 2022, with a maximum resolution of 24bit/192kHz. At the same time, the highest resolution of "SQ lossless quality" has also been improved to 24bit/48kHz.
In the era of accelerating digitization, the development of audio technology and the audio industry has also entered the "fast lane" with the progress of technology. In the future, AI driven audio technology and enhancement algorithms will be widely applied and will play a key role in areas such as sound recognition and natural language processing, further promoting the innovation of audio technology and expanding its application scenarios.
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