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Guo Minggui: Early signs indicate that demand for Vision Pro is weakening

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Last week, Apple's (AAPL, stock price $193.89, total market value $2998 trillion) Vision Pro, which starts at 25000 yuan, officially went on sale. Last Friday evening, it only opened for 5 minutes, and the server was overcrowded. After half an hour of pre-sale, physical stores sold out directly.
Guo Minggui, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities who has been tracking the Apple industry chain for many years, pointed out in the latest report that based on the pre order stocking level and shipping time, it is estimated that Apple will sell 160000-180000 Vision Pro units over the first weekend after opening up pre orders for Vision Pro. Consistent with previous predictions, the opening of Vision Pro pre orders means that all models are sold out, and the shipping time for each model is generally extended to 5-7 weeks within a few hours after the opening of pre orders. It should not be difficult for Vision Pro to reach a shipment volume of 500000 units this year. But after the pre order sales were sold out, demand rapidly declined, so it is still necessary to closely observe other market demands and application updates in the future to determine changes in demand.
Guo Minggui also stated that early signs may indicate that market demand for Vision Pro is weakening. Within 48 hours of the booking opening, those extended delivery times did not change, which raised a major concern that demand may rapidly weaken after core fans and heavy users place orders.
Nevertheless, Guo Minggui believes that it should not be difficult for Vision Pro to achieve a shipment volume of 500000 units this year. Morgan Stanley analysts previously predicted that Apple may ship 300000 to 400000 Vision Pro units this year. Currently, Wall Street analysts generally expect that the expensive Vision Pro will not immediately bring significant revenue growth to Apple. They are monitoring people's initial reactions to Apple's new product categories to demonstrate their future potential. At present, Vision Pro is still a very niche product.
On the evening of January 19th local time, Apple's first MR headset device, Vision Pro, was ordered and quickly sold out.
According to Securities Times on January 20th, within 5 minutes of its scheduled opening, the booking server of Vision Pro was overwhelmed, and many people's orders could not be processed. Due to insufficient initial stock, the inventory was sold out 18 minutes after the order was opened. Two hours after opening the order, the delivery date has already been scheduled for March, and some have even been scheduled for April.
According to reports, although the starting price is as high as $3499 (about 25000 yuan), the Vision Pro has still attracted a large number of scalpers, and the price has tripled, directly reaching 90000 yuan.
High price has become synonymous with Vision Pro. According to Apple's official website in the United States, the 256G, 512G, and 1T Vision Pro are priced at $3499 (approximately 25000 RMB), $3699 (approximately 26600 RMB), and $3899 (approximately 28000 RMB) respectively. For regular Zeiss lenses, an additional $99 (approximately 720 RMB) is required, while prescription lenses cost $149 (approximately 1066 RMB).
Apple's stock price rose more than 1% on Monday to close at $193.890.
Daily Economic News, Comprehensive Securities Times, Public News
Disclaimer: The content and data in this article are for reference only and do not constitute investment advice. Please verify before use. Based on this operation, the risk is borne by oneself.
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