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5 minutes, squeeze the server! Apple's new product has been sold out, and domestic purchasing agents have raised prices to 70000 yuan

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Vision Pro opens booking: there is a purchasing agent with a price increase of 70000 yuan.
The Apple Vision Pro is open for pre orders on Friday local time. Within 5 minutes of its scheduled opening, the Vision Pro's booking server was overwhelmed, and many people's orders were unable to be processed. Due to insufficient initial stock, the inventory was sold out 18 minutes after the order was opened. Two hours after opening the order, the delivery date has already been scheduled for March, and some have even been scheduled for April.
As expected, users who managed to grab the early delivery date for their devices have already listed their devices on eBay, allowing those who don't want to wait to get started with the Vision Pro headset in advance. According to Apple's official website, the 256 GB version is priced at $3499 (approximately RMB 25000); The 512GB version is priced at $3699 (approximately RMB 26700), while the 1TB version is priced at $3899 (approximately RMB 28000). On the eBay platform, there have been high priced transfers. Taking the 512GB version as an example, there are users on the eBay platform who resell it for up to $6000 (currently around $43260), a 62% premium compared to the official original price of $3699.
However, the purchasing prices of a certain domestic e-commerce platform generally range from 35000 to 70000 yuan, and it is not possible to guarantee the first batch of goods and bring them back as soon as possible.
In terms of stock price, Apple's total market value is just 1.1 billion US dollars behind Microsoft's. Currently, Apple's total market value is $2961.9 billion, while Microsoft's is $2963 billion. On the news front, while several Wall Street investment banks downgraded Apple's rating at the beginning of the year, Bank of America "supported" Apple. Bank of America recently released a report stating that with the support of artificial intelligence technology, it is expected that the upgrade cycle of Apple's iPhone will accelerate, and the company's stock price is expected to soar by 23%. The bank has raised Apple's rating from "neutral" to "buy" and raised its target price from $208 to $225. Previously, Bank of America downgraded Apple's rating to "neutral" in September 2022.
According to Wasmi Mohan, an analyst at Bank of America, "Apple should continue to see upgrade needs from older device users, especially artificial intelligence applications that will require higher processor capabilities." According to an internal survey of iPhone users, the bank estimates that over 70% of iPhone users are currently using iPhone 13 or older models.
Mohan also said, "Apple has already used artificial intelligence technology in several photo and video applications, but with hardware improvements, we believe that Apple can combine artificial intelligence on devices with some of the above features starting from the iPhone 16 in the coming years."
Since the beginning of this year, Apple has been downgraded by multiple investment banks on Wall Street. Specifically, on January 2nd, Barclays downgraded Apple's stock rating from holding to low allocation; On January 4th, Harsh Kumar, Chief Analyst of Piper Sandler, also downgraded Apple's rating from over matched to neutral; On January 10th, Redburn Atlantic analyst James Cordwell also downgraded Apple's rating from buy to neutral.
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