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The situation in the Red Sea continues to be tense! A US cargo ship has been hit by a missile! The United States is launching a new round of strikes against the Houser armed forces

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According to CCTV News on January 19th, on January 18th local time, John Kirby, the Strategic Communications Coordinator of the White House National Security Council, stated at a briefing that the United States had launched a new round of strikes against the Yemeni Houthi militants in the morning, with the goal of destroying a series of missiles that the Houthi militants were preparing to launch.
According to a statement released by the US Central Command on January 18th local time, around 15:40 Yemen time on the 18th, the US military discovered two missiles ready to be fired into the Red Sea in the Housa armed control area of Yemen and launched a strike.
According to CCTV news, in the early morning of January 19th local time, Yehya Sareya, a military spokesperson for the Yemeni Hussai armed forces, issued a statement stating that the Hussai armed forces once again attacked a US cargo ship with anti-ship missiles and hit the target.
Ye Haiya stated that the attack is retaliation for military actions by the United States and Britain, and all acts of aggression by the United States and Britain will receive corresponding responses.
On January 18th local time, US President Biden told reporters before leaving the White House to deliver a domestic policy speech in North Carolina that the United States will continue to carry out military strikes against the Yemeni Houthi militants.
Previously, Abdul Malik Hussein, the leader of the Yemeni armed forces, gave a speech strongly condemning the US and UK air strikes on Yemen. He stated that this is an invasion of Yemen and a direct violation of its sovereignty.
On the 18th local time, Abdul Malik Hussein, the leader of the Yemeni armed forces, gave a speech strongly condemning the US and UK air strikes on Yemen. He stated that this is an invasion of Yemen and a direct violation of its sovereignty.
Hussein stated that the US and UK's attack on Yemen has not affected the military capabilities of the Hussein armed forces. He emphasized that he will continue to confront attacks from the United States and Britain, and continue to attack ships associated with Israel until Israel stops its military operations in the Gaza Strip.
Recently, due to the escalating tensions in the Red Sea situation, many international shipping companies have chosen to avoid traditional Red Sea routes and instead detour to Africa, which has put increasing pressure on many African ports.
Due to the detour to Africa, there has been a significant increase in ship voyages. Currently, there is a surge in demand for ship fuel oil in multiple ports in South Africa, Mauritius, and the Canary Islands of Spain. Recently, the price of ship fuel oil in Cape Town, South Africa has surged by 15%. Some ships on the Asia to Europe route even need to add more fuel in Singapore in advance to be on the safe side. At the same time, due to the inability of many port infrastructure in Africa to meet the sudden increase in shipping demand, some ports have also experienced congestion.
According to a report by the US Freight News Network, due to the significant increase in shipping time and costs caused by detours to Africa, many shipping companies are still unwilling to make changes. However, due to the ongoing tension in the Red Sea and the rise in shipping premiums in the Middle East region, more and more ships will choose to detour to Africa in the future, which will have an impact on the global supply chain and bring uncertainty to the economies of multiple countries.
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