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Has Tesla's Optimus Prime evolved again? Netizens question Musk's admission that autonomous action is a future expectation

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Tesla's humanoid robot Optimus seems to have made new progress. According to Elon Musk's new sharing on social media platform X on Monday (January 16), Optimus demonstrated his entire process of folding clothes in a video.
The video shows that Optimus Prime first took out a black t-shirt from his clothes basket and placed it on the table, then slowly folded it up, seemingly without any external help during the process.
Once this video was released, it caused a huge response. Some netizens praised it as a feat, while others joked that "I can definitely fold shirts faster than it.".
Is there a vulnerability in the video?
However, it is worth noting that shortly after Musk shared the video, some netizens questioned whether Optimus Prime was actually displayed so perfectly.
Sharp eyed netizens pointed out that the actions of Optimus Prime in this video were remotely operated. There are also reviews stating that Optimus Prime behaves like an expensive string puppet here, completing tasks through prescribed actions.
A user posted a slow motion video on social media Threads, showing that the shirt in the video sometimes moves on its own. He believes there is indeed evidence to suggest that this is a product of the computer age. The user also raised a soul question, "Has Tesla hired the clay production team for 'Super Invincible Dogs'?"
Interestingly, Musk immediately shared some follow-up information, acknowledging that Optimus Prime was not acting autonomously. Musk's original words were, "Important reminder: Optimus Prime is not yet able to autonomously fold shirts, but (in the future) he can definitely achieve this completely autonomously in any environment (without the need for a fixed table, and there is only one shirt in the box on the table)."
Musk's words are actually equivalent to telling people that all unattainable things can happen in the future.
Tesla unveiled its humanoid robot Optimus Prime for the first time on AI Day in 2022. Musk stated at the time that Tesla was confident in achieving mass production at a lower cost and was expected to deliver within 3-5 years.
However, according to the latest media review, "Considering its current situation and the overall level of robotics technology, this (3-5 year prediction) is ridiculous."
The video of Optimus Prime folding clothes reminds people of a low-cost artificial intelligence robot recently released by a research team at Stanford University, which can handle various household chores.
This robot is mainly based on the Mobile ALOHA system, and its breakthrough point is that some mobile operation tasks have been completed independently, while some complex operations are completed by human remote control. This robot also demonstrated similar operations such as covering blankets and hanging clothes, but the research team clearly pointed out in the video that this is controlled by humans and not fully intelligent autonomous operation.
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