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Hot search first! Rare Big Price Reduction on Apple's Official Website

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Following price reductions and promotions across multiple platform channels, on January 15th, Apple's official website in China also launched a rare event preview. Various types of products, including smartphones, computers, tablets, etc., will participate in the "Spring Festival limited time discount" promotion, with a maximum savings of 800 yuan.
After the news spread, it quickly sparked heated discussions and became the top trending topic on Weibo.
Up to 800 yuan can be saved

On January 15th, Apple China's official website released a promotional notice, announcing the launch of the "New Year limited time discount" from January 18th to January 21st. Purchasing designated products through eligible payment methods can save up to 800 yuan.
Specifically, first of all, purchasing iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 14, iPhone 14 Plus, or iPhone 13 using the eligible payment method can save up to 500 yuan.
Secondly, the 13 inch or 15 inch MacBook Air (M2 chip model) and 13 inch MacBook Air (M1 chip model) can save up to 800 yuan.
In addition, the iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad (10th generation), or iPad mini can save up to 400 yuan annually; The Apple Watch SE can save 200 yuan annually; AirPods (third-generation) and AirPods (second-generation) can save up to 100 yuan in revenue; The Apple Pencil (second generation) can save 50 yuan instantly.
It is understood that the number of products participating in this promotional activity is limited. Consumers can use Alipay, Huabei, WeChat payment, or China Merchants Bank, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China or other credit cards with Visa and MasterCard logo and pay in a specific way.
Sales may be under pressure

Still a high-end market giant

In fact, before Apple announced its price reduction on its official website, it had already implemented price reduction promotions on multiple domestic platform channels. But according to a recent report by analysts at Jefferies, an investment bank on Wall Street, Apple's iPhone sales in China decreased by 30% year-on-year in the first week of 2024.
It is worth noting that the popularity of iPhone 15 has decreased since its release. According to market research firm Counterpoint Research, the sales performance of the iPhone 15 series in China for 17 days after its release was lower than last year's iPhone 14.
Previously, Apple was also bearish by Barclays analysts and downgraded its rating to "low configuration.". The analyst stated in the research report that Apple's performance for most quarters of the past year did not meet expectations. The sales and configuration of the new iPhone 15 have fallen short of expectations, and it is expected that the sales of iPhone 16 may also be weak.
In addition, Piper Sandler's analysts recently downgraded Apple's rating to "neutral", stating that Apple's phone sales growth rate has reached its peak and expressing concerns about phone inventory in the first half of 2024.
According to data released by Counterpoint Research, although the overall global smartphone market is expected to decline in 2023, sales in the high-end smartphone (wholesale price ≥ $600) market increased by 6% year-on-year, setting a new record. Among them, Apple's market share in the global high-end smartphone market is 71%, still the absolute leader in the high-end market, but it has decreased compared to 75% in 2022.
Samsung, on the other hand, rose its market share from 16% to 17% with its S23 and foldable models, ranking second. Huawei ranks third, with a market share rising from 3% to 5%. In addition, Xiaomi's high-end strategy has shown initial effectiveness, with its market share increasing from 1% to 2%.
Counterpoint Research suggests that the growth rate of the high-end market may continue to exceed that of the global smartphone market. Mobile phone manufacturers that establish a strong brand image will benefit from the growth of this segmented market.
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