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"Zhihu Zhixue" Announces Official Independent Operation

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The well-known Q&A community and original content platform Zhihu (NYSE: ZH; HKEx: 2390) are focusing on vocational education, and the "community+education" ecosystem is becoming increasingly mature. On January 11th, Zhihu announced the official independent operation of the vocational education brand "Zhihu Zhixue Tang", and released the Zhihu Zhixue Tang brand business matrix and future development strategy.
Zhou Yuan, founder and CEO of Zhihu, stated that today's Zhihu is not just a community, but is transforming into a company that builds platforms and provides services for new employees, meeting their various needs, including vocational education. Zhihu Zhixue has become one of the most comprehensive vocational education content systems covering all categories in China. In the future, it will continue to promote digital empowerment, reshape the vocational education industry with technology, and help vocational education achieve high-quality employment through open collaboration and integration of industry and education.
It is reported that under the background of industrial structure upgrading, the scale of the vocational education market has approached trillions of yuan. As a Q&A community active among hundreds of millions of new job seekers, Zhihu is also the largest professional discussion forum for vocational education in China. The vocational education business has become Zhihu's second growth curve.
On December 30, 2022, the Zhihu Zhixuetang brand and app were officially released. As of now, we have gathered 6 sub brands including Quality and Vocational Education, Pupi Education, MBA Master, Together with Public Exam, Together with Teacher Exam, and AGI Classroom, covering more than 30 categories in 6 major fields. We have provided vocational training services to over 20 million students, covering many course tracks such as postgraduate entrance examination, public examination, teaching resources, CPA, CFA, MBA, and workplace skills, and have become one of the most comprehensive vocational education content systems covering categories in China.
At the meeting, Zhihu Zhixue School officially operated independently, marking a new milestone in Zhihu's vocational education business. It is reported that the vocational education market is facing two major trends: digitalization and platformization. The AI big model will reshape the vocational education industry, bringing efficiency and experience revolution. With the gradual standardization of the market, comprehensive education platforms are about to enter a period of high growth.
Based on industry trends and the needs of new job users, Zhihu Zhixue has announced two core strategies for the future: firstly, to improve the vocational education service system and delivery standards through digital empowerment; 2、 Through open collaboration and integration of industry and education, we aim to assist vocational education in achieving high-quality employment.
Industry insiders point out that Zhihu started with the community and gradually advanced along the direction of knowledge content, content media, and content service. Vocational education, as an important form of content service, has become the core scenario for Zhihu to serve new employees. The "community+education" ecosystem is also becoming increasingly mature, forming unique advantages in multiple dimensions such as products, technology, services, and industrial cooperation. Community and vocational education are two forms of Zhihu, together forming the "complete body" of Zhihu.
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