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Go straight to CES | Intel Pat: AI PC is the "Cambrian" moment of personal computers

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The 58th International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was held in Las Vegas, USA from January 9th to 12th, 2024, with artificial intelligence (AI) being one of the most talked about topics. Intel CEO Pat Kissinger stated at the event that artificial intelligence (AI) will have enormous economic value in the future, and AI may be "ubiquitous". Intel is focusing on innovation in three areas: "AI PC", edge AI, and data center AI, and will continue to promote the development of AI technology, insisting on building responsible AI.
Pat Kissinger believes that AI use cases are creating new and extraordinary economic value, and people are accelerating productivity through AI use cases. Due to the enormous economic value inherent in AI use cases, businesses around the world are actively exploring.
Pat Kissinger introduced that AI PCs will bring new computer forms and specifications. Intel is attempting to add a new neural network visual computing module for AI workloads to its processors. He believes that this will change the user experience. For example, on a computer, users can use speech instead of typing. Some things that suddenly require people to access the cloud for processing can be done directly on local computers without being connected to the internet.
"We are pleased to see the new visual effects, communication functions, audio use cases, text transcription, and other functions brought about by the development of AI technology and processor innovation, which can be supported by local computing power to generate solutions on local computers. I believe this is an important moment for PCs. As Andy Grove said, personal computers are 'Darwinian' devices, and AI PCs are one of the 'Cambrian' moments," said Pat Kissinger. (The Cambrian period was the moment of a major explosion of life on Earth, and Pat Kissinger believed that AI PCs would also experience a major explosion in the future.)
Meanwhile, Pat Kissinger predicts that more AI use cases will be applied to edge devices in the future. There are three reasons for this: firstly, running AI on local devices is cheaper than on the cloud, and there is no need to rent cloud servers outside of the device; Secondly, compared to transferring data to the cloud and then returning it, running locally has a faster response speed; Thirdly, privacy and security.
In addition, Intel will also promote the integration of processors and AI, so that enterprises using Intel processors do not need to install special servers in data centers or transfer data to the cloud. They can complete their work using Intel processors in their own data centers.
While AI is being applied on a larger scale, Pat Kissinger stated that Intel will also build responsible AI. He said: Technology is a neutral platform, and there is no distinction between good and bad in itself. What is important is how people shape technology and how they use it. I believe Intel can shape technology into a positive force, constantly helping people solve previously unsolved problems and improving work efficiency.
"Technology is a complex that encompasses technology companies, academia, and more. Intel is committed to becoming a trusted technology provider. In the field of AI, we should promote making AI technology open, accessible, interpretable, and responsible," said Pat Kissinger.
He mentioned that the cycle of exploring the value of AI is like entering the Internet era, where new ways of e-commerce and reaching customers have emerged in the industry. This cycle will last for ten to several decades. In various fields, people are gradually discovering the economic value of AI use case development. "We will overcome the illusion of AI models and have increasing confidence in the work they do. We will spend more than ten years exploring the value of AI use cases in different industries, which will be very exciting," said Pat Kissinger.
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