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The three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with the Nasdaq rising more than 2%. Nvidia's stock price hit a historic high

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On Monday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.58%, the Nasdaq up 2.2%, and the S&P 500 index up 1.41%. Popular technology stocks generally rose, with semiconductor and software applications leading the way. Nvidia surged 6.4%, with a stock price exceeding $522 per share, setting a new historical high and a total market value of approximately $1.29 trillion. Nvidia announced in a speech at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) the launch of three new graphics cards for consumers, which will enable gamers, designers, and other computer users to better utilize artificial intelligence (AI) on personal computers (PCs). AMD rose more than 5%, while Nano Microelectronics, Intel, and NXP rose more than 3%, and Apple, Google, Amazon, and Broadcom rose more than 2%. Oil and gas stocks and aviation stocks fell, with Total, Imperial Oil, and Senko Energy falling more than 2%, and Boeing falling more than 8%, marking the largest daily decline since October 2022.
Popular Chinese concept stocks generally fell, with iQiyi falling more than 3%, Xiaopeng Automobile and JD.com falling more than 2%, Weibo, Vipshop, NIO, NetEase, Tencent Music, and Futu Holdings falling more than 1%, and Ideal Automobile, Baidu, and Alibaba slightly falling. Pinduoduo saw a slight increase.
Global News

The US continues to tighten its chip export control measures against China, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs responds
Spokesperson Mao Ning stated that the United States has continuously intensified its chip export control measures against China under the pretext of so-called "national security", unreasonably suppressing Chinese semiconductor companies, and is a genuine economic bullying behavior. The implementation of semiconductor export control measures by the United States against China constitutes discriminatory practices against China and violates the most favored nation treatment principle stipulated in Article 1 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The United States has blacklisted Chinese telecommunications equipment companies under the pretext of "threatening network information security" and banned Chinese telecommunications equipment from entering the US market, violating the principle of universal lifting of quantity restrictions stipulated in Article 11 of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. At the same time, the US ban also violates the relevant provisions of the Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement. The US often talks about international rules, but what it really does is ignore them Breaking the rules.
FED is still experiencing "eagle wind gusts" inside! Dallas Fed Chairman: The possibility of another interest rate hike cannot be ruled out
Lorie Logan, chairman of the Dallas Federal Reserve, warned last weekend that the Federal Reserve may need to resume raising policy interest rates to prevent the recent decline in long-term treasury bond bond yields from triggering inflation again.
US treasury bond exceeded 34 trillion US dollars! Xiao Mo's warning: This is like boiling a frog in warm water for the US economy
At a time when US government spending is under strict scrutiny by Congress, the size of US treasury bond has expanded to a terrifying level of US $34 trillion. As the US debt problem becomes more and more serious, economists are increasingly worried about it. JPMorgan Chase has warned that as the US deficit continues to grow and the cost of debt repayment continues to expand, the US debt problem is becoming increasingly unsustainable, and for the US economy, it is becoming more like a "boiling frog" problem.
Company News
Microsoft, Google, Amazon are on the list! Multinational giants have successively established regional headquarters in Saudi Arabia
According to media reports, Saudi Arabian government databases show that Amazon, Microsoft, and Google have all obtained permission to establish a regional headquarters (RHQ) in the Saudi capital Riyadh. In addition to these three top technology giants, well-known licensed companies include Airbus, Oracle, Pfizer, and others. Last month, the Saudi Ministry of Investment revealed in a statement that more than 200 companies have obtained regional headquarters licenses, including Burkholder, PwC, PepsiCo, and others.
JD: Subsidiary Dada found suspicious behavior during routine internal audits
On January 8, 2024, JD.com announced that its consolidated subsidiary, Dada Nexus Limited, had discovered some questionable behavior during its regular internal audit process, which may raise questions about Dada's online marketing service revenue and operating support costs for the first three quarters of 2023. The audit committee under Dada's board of directors has decided to conduct an independent review, which will be assisted by independent professional consultants.
IPhone sales in China may experience a significant decline this year. Huawei and Xiaomi are all vying for users
Last year, Apple's new generation iPhone series had a poor start in sales in China, with a decline of about 30% compared to the previous year. It is expected to see a double-digit decline in 2024. What makes Apple even more nervous is that its Chinese competitors are actually growing.
Year end inventory: "Going higher again": Wenjie 500000, NIO 800000, Looking up to 1 million netizens: If you don't work hard, you can only drive a BMW
"Wenjie 500000, Tank 700000, NIO 800000, Looking Up 1 million, brothers, if you don't work hard to make money, you can only drive Mercedes Benz and BMW!" This joke from netizens has become a true portrayal of the road for independent brands to "climb higher" in 2023.
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