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Zhangqu Technology Joins Hands with Nvidia to Expand the Technology Ecology of AI Game Creation Platform

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On January 9th, NVIDIA held a special speech on NVIDIA CES 2024 online, focusing on showcasing its innovative application of advanced AI technology in various fields. At the same time, it was announced that Nvidia and Zhangqu Technology will cooperate in AI technology and applications, and Nvidia will provide AI technology support such as DLSS and Audio2Face to the AI game creation platform. In the future, both sides will continue to maintain communication and cooperation in areas such as AI game development tools, AIGC, and AI application scenarios.
Zhangqu Technology continues to promote the development and distribution of mobile games, while actively laying out AI technology and striving to accelerate the integration of AI and games. The AI Game Creation Platform is an important initiative of Zhangqu Technology and Youmi Interactive Entertainment to explore the application of AI technology in the gaming field. Its aim is to use AI technology to reduce the development threshold of open world games, enabling individuals and small teams to develop large-scale open world games, and share creative achievements through the platform to achieve AI+UGC.
As a full stack computing company, NVIDIA has been a pioneer in the field of accelerated computing since its establishment in 1993. The GPU invented by Nvidia has greatly promoted the development of the gaming market, redefined computer graphics technology, ushered in a new era of modern AI, and is driving cross market industrial digitization. In the field of AI, Nvidia's research results are changing various industries including gaming, healthcare, and transportation, and have a profound impact on society.
This cooperation is an important achievement for both parties to actively promote the application of related technologies in the gaming and AI fields. Among them, NVIDIA Audio2Face technology can generate realistic facial expression animations for game characters in real time using only audio files under AI driving, presenting a more realistic intelligent interactive experience.
NVIDIA DLSS technology is an AI driven performance multiplier that has continuously driven the development of rendering technology since its launch, creating higher quality ray tracing images and more immersive gaming experiences for intensive ray tracing games and applications.
The company stated that this cooperation with Nvidia will bring advanced technology and resource advantages to the AI game creation platform, and help realize excellent creativity. In the future, both sides will continue to exchange and cooperate in areas such as AI game development tools, AIGC, and AI application scenarios. I believe that with the assistance of NVIDIA, Zhangqu Technology and Youmi Interactive Entertainment will further enhance their competitiveness in areas such as graphics computing acceleration, AI generation, and AI applications, comprehensively accelerate the development of "AI game creation platforms", and contribute positively to the development and evolution of the gaming industry. (Li Gongsheng)
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