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Ctrip collaborates with the Nanchang Municipal Government to hold a series of activities for the Traveler Festival and signs a strategic cooperation agreement

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From January 7th to 8th, Ctrip Group, together with the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and the People's Government of Nanchang City, jointly held the 2024 Ctrip Tourism Global Partner Conference and the Nanchang "All Heroes Appear" Traveler Festival series activities. The conference invites thousands of domestic and foreign tourism companies, well-known scenic spots, and important partners in the field of travel to gather in Nanchang for in-depth exchanges around the new trends and opportunities of the tourism economy in 2024.
In 2023, China's tourism industry has entered a rapid recovery process under the promotion of a series of consumer promotion policies. For the upcoming year 2024, the China Tourism Research Institute has also made positive and optimistic expectations for the tourism economy. It is expected that the number of domestic tourism trips and domestic tourism revenue will exceed 6 billion and 6 trillion yuan respectively, and the number of inbound and outbound tourists and international tourism revenue will respectively exceed 264 million and 107 billion US dollars.
At this conference, Li Hongjun, member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Nanchang Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Ganjiang New Area, stated that the cooperation between Ctrip Group and Nanchang is a strong alliance of top platforms and high-quality resources. He will take this strategic cooperation as an opportunity to further improve tourism products, extend the tourism chain, optimize the tourism environment, do a good job in "tourism+" and "+tourism", and enhance the quality of "food, accommodation, transportation, travel, shopping and entertainment" throughout the entire chain, Build a vibrant hero city that is loved by outsiders, proud by locals, and admired by young people.
Mei, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Department of Culture and Tourism of Jiangxi Province, also pointed out that in the past year, Ctrip Group has provided sufficient support to seize development opportunities in the Jiangxi cultural and tourism market, which has helped to achieve significant results in attracting customers into Jiangxi. She said, "Jiangxi boasts beautiful mountains and rivers, with a rich and profound cultural heritage like a mountain. It is a fusion of culture and tourism, full of vitality, and provides high-quality service and warmth like home. We warmly welcome more and more friends from all over the world to help us promote the beautiful 'green' scenery of Jiangxi, the rich 'red' genes, the brilliant 'ancient' culture, and the tempting 'golden' opportunities, and personally experience the unique charm of 'picturesque Jiangxi'."
At the meeting, the People's Government of Nanchang City signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Ctrip Group. In the future, Ctrip Group will join hands with Nanchang City to jointly build Nanchang into a provincial tourism center city and an important domestic and internationally renowned tourism destination. Wang Wei, Senior Vice President of Ctrip Group, said, "Ctrip will continue to provide assistance in deepening the 'attracting customers to Chang'an' project, expanding the inbound tourism market, cultivating and developing new tourism formats, and deepening the integration of 'tourism+' development."
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