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Tourism platforms are making efforts to expand their offline stores, and Ctrip's tourism stores have returned to 6500 in scale

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With the strong recovery of the tourism industry, offline tourism stores at home have also welcomed a bustling flow of people. Not only have local traditional travel agencies resumed operations and opened new offline stores. In fact, with the high cost of online customer acquisition, tourism platform companies are also increasing their efforts in offline stores. The reporter recently learned that the number of signed stores in the Ctrip series exceeded 2100 in 2023, breaking the record for the number of new signed stores in Ctrip's history. It is understood that as of now, the number of Ctrip's three brand stores has returned to the scale of 6500, and has taken root in cities such as Changchun and Zhangye that have not been reached before.
"New Store Consumption Era" Approaches, Domestic Product Per Capita Spending Growth of 40%
It has been over 6 years since Ctrip opened its first travel store in Beijing in March 2017. With the continuous changes in new national tourism habits, offline tourism business has also entered the era of "new store consumption".
According to data from Ctrip, in 2023, Ctrip's three brand tourism stores provided reassuring and thoughtful travel services to nearly ten million customers. Last year, tourists spent an average of 1426 yuan per person on domestic tourism products in stores, an increase of nearly 40% compared to 2019; The per capita cost of overseas products is 5269 yuan, an increase of 16% compared to 2019. It is worth mentioning that, unlike previous years when stores preferred to sell traditional and group products, now high-quality and flexible private products such as customized games and private groups are becoming more popular among consumers. According to Ctrip data, the proportion of customized game product orders registered through stores this year increased by 92% year-on-year.
According to statistics, the provinces with the most new Ctrip stores opened in 2023 are Anhui, Guangdong, Sichuan, Henan, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Shaanxi, Jiangsu, and Hebei. The best-selling tourist stores in China are located in Shanghai, Chongqing, Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Xi'an, Hefei, Foshan, and Wuhan.
Continue to deepen the cultivation of sinking markets and promote the improvement and efficiency of the real economy
The offline brand value still receives widespread attention from all sectors. A study by IDC suggests that Chinese brands are working tirelessly to reshape their offline stores because they need to enhance their brand influence in a broader market and in the minds of consumers of a wider age group, and based on this, extend more services in combination with the trend of mobile internet.
The trend of travel agency stores continuing to extend to the sinking market is very obvious. "In addition to maintaining their market share in the first tier cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, as well as provincial capital cities in various regions, a large number of residents in third, fourth, and fifth tier cities and county-level cities also have the willingness and demand to travel." said Zhang Li, CEO of Ctrip Tourism Channel Business Unit.
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