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Olive Fruit Becomes Rich Fruit Dingdong Buys Vegetables to Help Longnan Build a Hometown of Chinese Olives

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In the late autumn of Wudu, olive fruits shine brightly under the sun. 55 year old Meng Ruban is watching the workers harvest olive oil in the garden. As expected, this year the garden will produce 10000 kilograms of olive oil, and he will earn tens of thousands of yuan.
In previous years, even with such a harvest, it was not possible to sell such income. Due to the lack of sales channels, large areas of olive oil rotted in the ground. Nowadays, as fresh e-commerce represented by Dingdong Maicai continues to penetrate the source, Meng Ruban's agricultural products have stable sales channels, and olive fruits have become "wealth fruits".
Olive oil has a history of consumption for thousands of years in Mediterranean coastal countries and is known as "liquid gold" and "queen of vegetable oil".
32 North Latitude; Deg; 58-33& Deg; 36, a globally recognized olive gold production belt. In China, located in this gold production belt is the Bailong River Valley in Wudu District, Longnan, with alkaline soil and over 1900 hours of sunshine throughout the year. There is no industrial growth environment, natural snow water irrigation, spring flowers and autumn fruits, making it the most suitable area for olive growth. It is reported that Longnan olive has been planted since the 1970s and has become one of the world's golden olive producing areas due to its unique climate conditions and natural environment.
However, despite superior natural conditions, in earlier years, local olive oil could not be exchanged for higher profits, and domestic olive oil has been waiting for more mature industrial operation opportunities.
"The transportation here was not very convenient before, and there weren't many people coming to collect the fruits we planted," Meng Ruban said. At that time, he even had the idea of chopping trees. At the same time, most olive oil in the current market is imported, making it difficult to trace the origin of olive fruit raw materials and requiring a long sea freight to reach the domestic market. In the situation where the quality of raw materials is relatively difficult to control, the price of olive oil products is generally high.
Fortunately, in recent years, some brands have also wanted to make changes. For example, the original intention of the domestic brand Olive Time was to promote Longnan domestic olive oil and promote olive oil from the mountains to the whole country. "Later on, brands like Olive Time came and started harvesting our fruits. We no longer worry about the benefits of growing oil olive trees." Meng Ruban even set up a house next to the garden to take care of the fruit trees.
However, in order to increase the influence of Longnan olive oil and help more farmers live a better life, domestic brands must collaborate with more influential partners.
On the other hand, with the promotion of the concept of healthy eating, food instant e-commerce platforms represented by Dingdong Maicai are making every effort to promote the construction of product level products, advocating "clean labels" and creating "low GI" and other health oriented products, conveying the idea of eating better and healthier. Nowadays, consuming olive oil is seen as a new healthy trend.
During the process of searching for good products, the developers of Dingdong Maicai products learned that the extra virgin olive oil of Olive Time is a fruit juice oil obtained through physical cold pressing from fresh olive fruits, which only goes through the first pressing process. The processing is completely free of chemical treatment, and the content of olive polyphenols and squalene is very high. It is a very healthy edible oil that can be used for cooking, salads, dipping in bread, and more Multiple uses such as steak and barbecue. It not only conforms to the trend of healthy eating for contemporary consumers, but also meets the standards of the platform's own product development.
In addition, Dingdong Maicai's business covers major cities in China, with a large user base and rich experience in brand building. It can be said that for Olive Time, there is an urgent need to find channels with stronger comprehensive strength and higher standards for products, in order to achieve the combination of consumption and production and sales, and push high-quality Longnan olive oil to a larger market. In this way, the two quickly reached an intention to cooperate.
Collaborating with Dingdong Maicai to establish an olive oil base not only allows good products to encounter good platforms and increase large-scale sales, but also provides a reassuring pill for growers.
In the future, with the deepening of cooperation between Dingdong Maicai and Olive Time, while increasing the scale of harvest, we will also increase the control of base quality, increase training for growers on quality standardization, and ultimately optimize the standards of finished products to improve the "price ratio" of olive oil.
In the past, there were many farmers like Meng Ruban who bought vegetable oil and olive bases in Dingdong.
There was once an old lady who walked to the base in the rain to sell olive fruits, but unfortunately, the quality of the dried and shriveled fruits was not good. I heard from the village officials that the old lady's family had poor economic conditions and lived very hard. Although the shriveled fruits did not meet the standards and could not be used, the staff at the base still collected them all. The person who collected the old lady's fruit at the base recalled that she received the money for selling the fruit and smiled happily on her face.
Afterwards, through deep cooperation, the two can further export standards and technical assistance to the planting end. The situation of old ladies planting withered fruits will also become less and less, and the confidence of growers will be greater. With the joint efforts of multiple parties, Longnan olive oil will be pushed to a larger stage.
It is understood that Dingdong Maicai and Olive Time jointly customized extra virgin olive oil, which was first launched in the East China market on January 4th, may be promoted nationwide in the future. Dingdong Maicai hopes to launch this domestically produced olive oil to help consumers better understand Chinese olive oil and know that there are also high-quality olive oil producing areas in China, further driving the economic development of Longnan.
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