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Sohu and Huawei Achieve Comprehensive Cooperation with HarmonyOS to Lead New Experiences in News and Video Applications

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On December 27th, Sohu and Huawei held a comprehensive cooperation ceremony for HarmonyOS and announced that their Sohu News APP and Sohu Video APP have made significant progress in the process of HarmonyOS. Among them, Sohu News will soon complete the core functional version of the HarmonyOS native application, and Sohu Video has officially launched the development of the HarmonyOS native application.
In the development of HarmonyOS native applications, Sohu News and Sohu Video are based on the stronger AI capabilities of HarmonyOS NEXT, further enhancing the personalized service experience of users and meeting their usage needs more "timely"; By utilizing HarmonyOS's unique distributed technology, we can develop and deploy content and services seamlessly across multiple HarmonyOS devices such as smartphones, tablets, and mobile devices, covering a wider range of usage scenarios. For example, when users read news on Sohu at home in the morning and drive outside, they can seamlessly transfer to the car's infotainment system to continue listening to news, allowing daily needs such as watching news and videos to be met anytime and anywhere.
Zhang Chaoyang, founder, chairman and CEO of Sohu, stated on site that the cooperation between Sohu and Huawei will not only be a technological exchange and cooperation, but also an exploration and innovation for future application and service experiences. We will combine the advantages of Sohu products in the fields of graphic and textual information aggregation, live short video new media, social interaction applications, and mobile value-added services, as well as the advanced technology of the HarmonyOS operating system, to jointly create a more dynamic platform for information media, life, entertainment, and communication interaction, providing users with diversified services.
According to Zhu Yonggang, President of Huawei's Terminal Cloud Services Department, Sohu's two most important products have become members of the HarmonyOS family and are important forces in promoting the prosperity of the HarmonyOS ecosystem. I believe that in the future, Sohu's high-quality products will be based on the unique advantages of HarmonyOS native intelligence, single development, and multi terminal deployment. Whether in terms of multi terminal content distribution or enhancing user stickiness, there will be a qualitative improvement. While providing users with a new experience, it will also bring broader commercial imagination space and prospects. I hope that in the future, both parties can establish a foothold in the Chinese market and jointly create a new global mobile ecosystem.
As early as 2021, Sohu has been cooperating with Huawei HarmonyOS, and both sides have conducted numerous explorations in fields such as application ecology and atomization services; At the beginning of 2023, the technical teams of both sides had active communication and evaluation on the native Hongmeng. In this collaboration, Sohu News Hongmeng Native Edition will fully utilize platform features to carry out lightweight product design, making the overall operation of the app smoother; Sohu Video will focus on various product features such as video distribution, video playback, and video socializing, and deeply explore and leverage the hardware acceleration capabilities of the HarmonyOS system to provide users with a smoother viewing experience.
As one of the leading internet brands in the Chinese speaking world, in recent years, Sohu News has continuously led new trends in internet news, promoted audio-visual news, and expanded user usage scenarios; In terms of Sohu Video, it not only continues to promote the "dual engine" strategy for long and short videos, but also actively improves social distribution. At the same time, it leverages advanced live streaming technology and Sohu's rich product matrix to build a high-quality content ecosystem for users.
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