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The three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with most popular Chinese concept stocks rising

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On Tuesday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.43%, the Nasdaq rose 0.54%, and the S&P 500 index rose 0.42%. Intel rose over 5%. The company will receive $3.2 billion in government funding to build a $25 billion Israeli chip factory. RayzeBio surged 100%, and Bristol Myers Squibb will acquire the company at a significant premium of approximately $4.1 billion in total value.
Most popular Chinese concept stocks rose, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index rising by over 1%. NetEase rose more than 5%, with rumors circulating that Blizzard had negotiated with multiple domestic game manufacturers regarding the return of the Chinese server, and ultimately chose to re establish cooperation with NetEase. Ideal cars rose by over 3%, while NIO rose by over 10%. Genxi Biotechnology rose by over 60%, and AstraZeneca acquired Genxi Biotechnology for $1.2 billion.
Global News

Biden signs the "2024 Fiscal Year National Defense Authorization Act" containing negative content related to China, and China makes solemn representations
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference on December 26th. A reporter asked: On December 22nd local time, US President Biden signed the "2024 Fiscal Year Defense Authorization Act" into law, which includes negative provisions related to China. What is China's comment on this? Mao Ning: The US insists on passing and signing the "2024 Fiscal Year National Defense Authorization Act" that includes negative content related to China. China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this and has made solemn representations to the US.
Year-end inventory of oil market: Russia successfully evades sanctions against OPEC+reduces production but is unable to support oil prices
As the Russia-Ukraine conflict has reached an impasse, the impact of the geopolitical conflict on the crude oil market has significantly reduced. This year, investors' concerns about slowing demand dominated the market sentiment. Affected by the deteriorating global economic outlook, international oil prices have fluctuated this year. Despite the two major oil producing countries, Saudi Arabia and Russia, continuously increasing production reduction measures throughout the year, they have not been able to support oil prices.
The Office of the United States Trade Representative announced that it will continue to extend the tariff exemption period for some Chinese imported goods until May next year
On December 26, local time, the Office of the United States Trade Representative announced that it would further extend the 301 tariff exemption period for 352 Chinese imports that had resumed tariff exemption and 77 Chinese imports related to COVID-19 epidemic prevention, from December 31 this year to May 31, 2024.
Global Central Bank Policy Year-End Inventory: Seeing the Tide of Interest Rate hikes recede and Hearing the Sound of Pigeons
As major central banks around the world begin to adjust their strategies, people are eagerly preparing for a world where inflation is "tamed" towards the end of 2023
Company News
The chip industry throne changes ownership: NVIDIA is expected to surpass Samsung and Intel in revenue due to the AI boom
As the wave of artificial intelligence swept through 2023, the semiconductor industry will finally usher in a new king for the past thirty years - it is not the leader of the chip industry for many years - Intel or Samsung Electronics, but the undisputed leader of artificial intelligence chips, NVIDIA.
The ban on Apple Watch has officially come into effect! The Biden administration refuses to lend a helping hand
After Apple announced a suspension of sales of some smartwatches for several days, it did not wait for the assistance of the Biden administration, which led to the official implementation of the Apple Watch ban issued by the International Trade Commission (ITC) on Tuesday (December 26).
Blizzard and NetEase Talk about Reaching Hands: Behind the Inevitability of New and Explosive Products in the Chinese Game Market
Multiple media outlets have reported that Blizzard has negotiated with several domestic game manufacturers regarding the return of the Chinese server, and may ultimately choose to re collaborate with NetEase. After confirming the cooperation, both parties need to rebuild the national service operation team and test the servers and related systems, so the game may have to wait for six months or more to go live.
AstraZeneca acquires a Chinese cancer drug developer with a transaction value of approximately $1.2 billion
AstraZeneca announced on Tuesday local time that a final agreement has been signed on the proposed acquisition of Gracell, which will add GC012F CAR-T cell therapy to AstraZeneca's expanding cell therapy pipeline.
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