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The ten-year usage rights of Tesla Model 3 are being drawn, and JD Motors and Tesla bring a special "new" meaning for the new year

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The Mango TV New Year's Eve Gala, exclusively named by JD.com, will meet with audiences nationwide on December 31st. During this period, JD.com will send out millions of physical gifts and 1 billion red envelopes. JD.com will also collaborate with Tesla to bring 7 Tesla Model 3 updated versions with a cumulative maximum of 10 years of usage rights, as well as 10 Cybertruck children's versions and other super awards! Starting from 8pm on December 31st, you can participate in activities by opening the JD app.
While extracting the ultra long usage rights of Tesla Model 3, as a one-stop automotive consumer platform, JD.com will also provide additional year-end value feedback to car owners during the New Year holiday period. Consumers can not only enjoy a lot of luxury gifts such as engine oil maintenance, tires, in car storage boxes, electric bicycles, car washing, wipers, and JD Car Care Max membership, but also receive a bonus of 0 yuan and 1 point, as well as a lot of benefits such as dividing up millions of Jingdou, booking a whole vehicle test drive for a large purchase voucher, and selling popular car products for as low as 3.8 yuan. At that time, users only need to search for "JD Auto" on the JD App to participate in the event.
In fact, JD.com and Tesla have always maintained close cooperation. On February 14th this year, Tesla's official flagship store was officially launched on JD.com, covering a full range of car products, including charging products, preferred accessories, selected clothing, and peripheral boutiques, totaling more than 200 products in 22 categories. Within two days of going online, the search for the keyword "Tesla" on JD.com reached nearly 5 million, and new stores received nearly 700000 followers. At the same time, both parties also work together to create online and offline linkage services, promote cultural and creative products, peripheral products, and gradually engage in deep cooperation in different aspects such as vehicle warehousing, distribution, and charging pile installation.
Tesla has always attached great importance to the Chinese market, and Tesla's Vice President recently stated that "China has advantages and broad prospects that cannot be compared to other global markets, and the Chinese market is a 'must choose' option for Tesla.".
And JD.com continues to make efforts in the automotive industry. In 2018, JD.com launched its online vehicle business. Since October last year, JD.com has successively opened new energy experience centers in multiple cities such as Shenyang, Shijiazhuang, Dongguan, Ningbo, Wuhan, etc., providing users with one-stop car consumption services such as viewing, selecting, buying, using, exchanging, and maintaining. It is worth mentioning that in June of this year, JD.com Retail integrated the entire vehicle, vehicle product, second wheel, and car maintenance channels and established a new JD.com Automotive Business Unit, dedicated to creating a one-stop automotive consumption platform for car owners to buy, love, and maintain cars.
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