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The chip industry throne changes ownership: NVIDIA is expected to surpass Samsung and Intel in revenue due to the AI boom

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As the wave of artificial intelligence swept through 2023, the semiconductor industry will finally usher in a new king for the past thirty years - it is not the leader of the chip industry for many years - Intel or Samsung Electronics, but the undisputed leader of artificial intelligence chips, NVIDIA.
Nvidia to seize the crown of chip revenue
According to analysts at market research firm QUICK FactSet, Nvidia's revenue is expected to reach $58.8 billion in the fiscal year ending January 2024, doubling from the same period last year. This will enable Nvidia to surpass Intel and Samsung Electronics in revenue and become the new king of the semiconductor industry.
In the fiscal year ending December 2023, Samsung's semiconductor division is expected to generate approximately $49 billion in revenue, a 34% decrease from the previous year. Intel's revenue for the same period is expected to decline by 14% to $53.9 billion.
According to data from technology and research consulting firm Gartner, Intel has firmly held the top spot in semiconductor revenue for 25 years from 1992 to 2017. Since 2017, Samsung Electronics has caught up and engaged in a battle with Intel for the chip revenue throne. In 2022, Samsung Electronics will occupy the throne of chip revenue.
But the wave of artificial intelligence has changed this pattern. Since artificial intelligence became the hottest topic in the world in 2023, Nvidia has also taken advantage of the trend and saw a significant increase in chip sales, making it one of the biggest winners in the US stock market.
On the contrary, there has been an oversupply of storage chips in the past two years, leading to a sharp decline in revenue for companies such as Samsung Electronics.
Amidst the ups and downs, Nvidia is about to take the top spot in this chip revenue competition.
Nvidia is not worry free
Although Nvidia has advantages in AI chips, as many competitors are also following the footsteps of the AI craze, Nvidia is not worry free.
Earlier this month, NVIDIA's main AI chip competitor AMD officially launched two flagship AI chip products, announcing its determination to compete with NVIDIA.
Intel also announced this month that in order to increase its competitiveness, it will launch a new artificial intelligence chip targeting data center applications starting in 2024.
In addition, major cloud operators around the world are also developing their own artificial intelligence chips to reduce chip costs. Google, Amazon, and Microsoft have recently announced measures to move in this direction. Starting from 2024, as more enterprises widely use generative artificial intelligence, chip cost competitiveness will become more important.
Currently, Google is using internal chips to train its new generative artificial intelligence model Gemini. "Although it is our largest model, its service cost is much lower compared to previous large-scale models," revealed Eli Collins, Vice President of Products at Google DeepMind.
Although analysts predict that the artificial intelligence chips specially designed by these companies will compete for a portion of Nvidia's market share, they also indicate that Nvidia's products will continue to be favored due to their versatility and high performance, depending on the application.
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