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Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory Project Launches: Starting Production in the Fourth Quarter of Next Year, with an Initial Plan for Annual Production of 10000 Commercial Energy Storage Batteries

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Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory Project Land Acquisition Signing.
On December 22nd, Tesla held a land acquisition signing ceremony with the Lingang New Area Management Committee in Shanghai, announcing the official launch of the milestone project of Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory.
The Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory project is located in the Lingang New Area of Shanghai, near the Tesla Shanghai Super Factory. The latest news from Tesla shows that the factory plans to start construction in the first quarter of 2024 and start production in the fourth quarter. The initial plan is to produce 10000 commercial energy storage batteries annually, with a storage capacity of nearly 40GWh.
As early as April 9th this year, Tesla signed a contract with Lingang New Area for the Tesla Energy Storage Super Factory project. It is reported that Tesla's energy storage super factory project will plan to produce ultra large commercial energy storage batteries (Megapacks) to supply the global market.
Tesla Megapack is a large, highly integrated energy storage solution designed to help grid operators, utility companies, and independent power producers store and distribute renewable energy more efficiently.
It is reported that Tesla's upcoming Megapack manufactured in Shanghai can store over 3.9MWh of energy per unit, enough to meet the hourly electricity demand of 3600 households. It is precisely its integrated system integration and modular design, such as battery modules, bidirectional high-efficiency inverters, thermal management systems, etc., that greatly improves construction efficiency and equipment reliability.
As a commercial energy storage product suitable for various application scenarios, Megapack provides customers with comprehensive energy solutions, including power generation side and grid stability, integration of power station energy storage, frequency regulation, emergency backup power supply, and microgrid construction. These applications not only help improve the stability and economy of the power grid, but also provide necessary power support for critical facilities in emergency situations.
Tesla's energy storage products include Powerwall, Powerpack, and Megapack, among others. Currently, its energy storage business covers over 65 countries and regions worldwide, with over 1500 operating sites and a total installed capacity of over 10 gigawatt hours. Among them, Megapack has already used renewable energy to supplement and ensure local electricity in many regions such as North America, Asia Pacific, and Europe.
Tesla's energy storage business is becoming its new growth driver. The financial report shows that Tesla's energy storage deployment in the third quarter was 4GWh, a year-on-year increase of 90%, which is the highest quarterly installed capacity in history; The revenue was 1.559 billion US dollars, an increase of 40% compared to the same period last year's 1.117 billion US dollars, higher than the previous quarter's 1.509 billion US dollars; The total gross profit of storage and related businesses in the third quarter exceeded $500 million. Tesla stated that energy storage is becoming one of the company's most profitable and promising businesses.
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