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Hasbro: Deepen Localization Strategy and Seize the Rapid Development Opportunities of the Chinese Market

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On the 17th, Hasbro, the world's leading play company, together with its core brands such as Transformers, Burley Ma and Peppa Pig, appeared in the 16th China International Brand Licensing Exhibition. Hasbro is a leading global gaming company, and we believe that the essence of globalization's success lies in localization, "said Marianne James, Vice President of Hasbro's Authorized Consumer Products Business in Eurasia, China has become an important strategic market and growth engine for Hasbro, and in recent years, Hasbro's business in China has also achieved significant development. Hasbro has long been very optimistic about the prospects of the Chinese market, and will continue to expand its presence in the Chinese market in the future. Together with more Chinese partners, Hasbro will bring products and experiences that are most suitable for local consumers to the market
In recent years, authorization, as a collaborative model that promotes business value through cross-border collaborations, has been attracting more and more consumers' attention and favor due to the emerging brand cross-border "gameplay". The Chinese brand authorization market is developing rapidly. According to the "2023 White Paper on the Development of the Chinese Brand Authorization Industry", the retail sales of authorized goods and the scale of authorized funds have continued to grow over the past five years. In 2022, the annual authorized retail sales of authorized goods in China were 139 billion yuan, an increase of 1.2% compared to the previous year; China's annual authorization fund is 5.42 billion yuan, an increase of 1.9% compared to the previous year.
Over the past 100 years, Hasbro has continuously innovated in toys, consumer goods, games, entertainment, and landing entertainment experiences, bringing iconic brands such as Transformers, Burberry, real estate tycoons, and Pellet into the lives of consumers around the world. How to seize the rapid development opportunities of the Chinese market?
Qian Jing, Director of the Consumer Products Department of Hasbro Greater China, stated: "For the Chinese market, Hasbro will build a brand matrix centered on well-known brands such as Transformers, Little Marlboro, Peppa Pig, real estate tycoon, and BLYTHE Little Doll based on localization practice, actively develop localization content that is more in line with domestic cultural customs, strengthen IP localization operation, deeply tap IP potential, and provide consumers of different ages with high-quality products and experiences full of freshness and attractiveness."
As the world's second largest consumer market, China has enormous potential and space for the sale of authorized goods and services.
"Hasbro hopes to build Transformers, Peppa Pig, Baby Marlboro, Dungeons&Dragons, NERF Hot and Hasbro Games into more than $1 billion brands through efforts. They have shown great market potential in consumer goods, joint promotion, landing entertainment experience and other authorized cooperation." Qian Jing said, In the future, we will carry out new authorized cooperation in more fields such as fashion, food, card and landing entertainment experiences, and work together with partners to create more attractive products and experiences, bringing continuous surprises to consumers
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