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Google's "counterattack" has sparked investor discussions on the commercialization of multimodal models

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After the one-year anniversary of ChatGPT's launch, recently, Google's multimodal Gemini suddenly launched, which was seen by the industry as the "strongest counterattack by Google". The discussion among investment institutions regarding Gemini has exploded. Industry insiders believe that Gemini has significant optimization in visual recognition and inference, and when it comes to commercial scenarios, real-time interaction scenarios may become the focus of multimodal artificial intelligence model applications.
Gemini is "too stunning"
Recently, Google CEO Sandal Pichai announced the official launch of Gemini 1.0. Eli Collins, Vice President of Google DeepMind Products, stated that this is Google's most powerful and versatile large model to date.
It is understood that compared to existing large models on the market, Gemini has been created as a multimodal model from the beginning, which means it can summarize and smoothly understand, manipulate, and combine different types of information, including text, code, audio, images, and videos. In terms of flexibility, it can run from the data center to mobile devices.
After watching the Gemini series demonstration video, many investors expressed that it was "too shocking". "After watching Gemini's demonstration video, its ability to understand multimodality is astonishing. In addition, Gemini's reasoning ability currently seems to surpass ChatGPT." Associate Professor Sun Haifeng from the School of Computer Science at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications said that on the one hand, Gemini far surpasses OpenAI's ChatGPT in multimodal information processing. Gemini can support both multimodal information input and multimodal information output. A typical feature of Gemini is its support for interleaved sequences of text, images, audio, and video as inputs, which is difficult to implement for ChatGPT or traditional multimodal models. Generally speaking, ChatGPT only supports text output, and other modalities of output require calling third-party APIs for implementation. Gemini's interleaved sequence input method is more suitable for the needs of the vast majority of scenarios. On the other hand, in Gemini's technical report, its accuracy in MMLU dataset testing reached 90.04%, surpassing human experts, marking a milestone in the evolution of its reasoning ability.
On the day after Gemini was launched, Google was questioned by the outside world for claiming that multimodal videos were edited and collaged, and Gemini was suspected of exaggerating its advertising. Google also provided an explanation: the video does indeed have elements of post production and editing, and all interactions with Gemini are not perceived in real time, but rather the effects of images and prompts given by the staff. Therefore, Gemini still needs further development in reading videos.
Real time interaction scenarios or commercial focus
Affected by this news, domestic investors have launched heated discussions on multimodal technology and its applications.
A first tier investor in a certain technology track stated that compared to ChatGPT-4, Gemini's image recognition and reasoning abilities, as well as its current apparent response speed, have greatly improved. He personally believes that Gemini and OpenAI have their own unique products, and suitable scenarios need to be found for commercial implementation. "Having suitable scene adaptation and identifying value-added needs is still crucial, but Gemini has indeed further opened up the imagination space of AI models."
"It can be boldly imagined that when a multimodal model runs on a robot, it may achieve embodied intelligence. In addition, when the multimodal model is combined with Google Glass, it may be upgraded to a super intelligent agent," said another investor.
A technician introduced that humans have five senses, and the world we build and the media we consume are presented in this way. The multimodal model means that Gemini can understand the world around her in the same way as humans and absorb any type of input and output - whether it's text, code, audio, images, videos. The most crucial technology among them is how to mix all these patterns, how to collect as much data as possible from any number of inputs and senses, and then provide equally diverse responses.
"Gemini is more like a human, closer to human visual recognition and some reasoning and judgment. OpenAI's ChatGPT is more like a big knowledge base, which can provide people with information reference. The two are not about who surpasses each other, but have significant differences in focus direction," said an investor.
Sun Haifeng said that it is not yet clear what the specific implementation structure of Gemini is, but this pattern that can interleave multiple modal information as input is very needed in many scenarios, especially real-time interaction scenarios.
Another technology investor believes that the release of Gemini means that big companies have a more definite first mover advantage in artificial intelligence. For example, Google's Gemini has outstanding visual reasoning capabilities because they have a variety of search engine based materials as a large amount of training data. In addition, large factories have obvious advantages in data, traffic, capital, computing power, and application scenarios.
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