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Hamas cryptocurrency accounts are frozen, Western finance ultimately goes bankrupt in credit, and the myth of currency circles is shattered

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The recent intensification of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has led to the joint efforts of the Western world, which has fueled Israel's indiscriminate bombing of the Gaza Strip and even resulted in the deaths of more than ten United Nations staff members. However, what surprised the outside world was that one of Israel's unscrupulous tactics in cracking down on Hamas directly led to the death of America's financial hegemony in its own hands.
According to the British media, PA NEWS (also translated as the Journalists Association News Agency), Israel has frozen all international cryptocurrency accounts related to the Hamas organization. It is said that the freeze was carried out in cooperation with Israel's network agencies, intelligence agencies, and the cryptocurrency exchange "Coin Security". Directly freeze accounts related to Hamas and transfer this funds to Israel's national treasury.
This news shocked international public opinion. Because of this action, it directly shattered the "security myth" of the international currency circle. The Commercial Futures Trading Commission of the United States even revealed that the senior management of Coin An were very aware that those transactions came from Hamas.
To be frank, when I saw this news, I felt very absurd. Because logically speaking, Israel's military and technological advantages in dealing with Hamas are enormous. However, using this method of endless consequences to freeze Hamas's overseas assets, especially the "encrypted account". This is almost digging the grave for Western finance.
When the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out, the United States and the European Union, in order to fight against Russia, frozen Russia's overseas accounts and expelled Russia from the international monetary settlement system SWIFT built by the West. However, in the short term, it directly destroyed 60% of the funds in the Russian national treasury. The cost of this is the global "de dollarization" that the United States cannot afford. The maximum value of modern currency is essentially a guarantee of the issuer's reputation. When Americans use the US dollar as a weapon, it is destined for the bankruptcy of US dollar credit.
Now, Israel says freezing Hamas' cryptocurrency accounts can quickly freeze them. This completely exposes that the so-called "cryptocurrency" that Western capital has been striving to create over the years cannot be traced to traders, and is completely a false lie. Because even if bookkeeping is' decentralized ', it ultimately requires trading to generate value, and exchanges are controlled by the West, so how can they be safe. Over the years, countless people have been advocating cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but the result is that Israel has exposed this carefully crafted trap just because it wants to vent its anger, which is also very ironic. To some extent, it can be said that the Israeli operation is a shocking news in the coin industry, as it cannot be cleaned thoroughly.
It's quite interesting to say that China didn't do anything, but the West messed around recklessly, destroying its financial hegemony and paving the way for China to promote "global dollarization".
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