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NIO may have obtained independent production qualifications and will no longer be outsourced by Jianghuai. The official has not responded yet

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On December 4th, it was reported that NIO has obtained independent production qualifications and is expected to announce this news today (December 4th). Moreover, several executives, including Shen Fei, Senior Vice President of NIO Energy, have expressed on Weibo that they will witness history today and Weibo will temporarily suspend updates.
Regarding this, a reporter from the Daily Economic News immediately verified with NIO, but as of the time of the reporter's press release, no response has been received.
Although the news that NIO has obtained independent qualifications has not been officially confirmed yet, the reporter found that NIO Automotive Technology (Anhui) Co., Ltd. has appeared in the "Vehicle Production Enterprise Credit Information Management System" of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The company's legal representative is Qin Lihong, and its production address is located at 299 Baita Road, Hefei Economic and Technological Development Zone, Anhui Province.
It is understood that the main function of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's system is to publicly disclose the vehicle production enterprises and the officially announced vehicle models. And all the enterprises that can be checked in the system are those with production qualifications.
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology website

Prior to this, Jianghuai Automobile had announced its intention to transfer the assets of NIO factory. On the evening of October 19th, Jianghuai Automobile announced that the company plans to transfer some assets through public listing, involving inventory, fixed assets, construction in progress, housing and buildings of the third factory of the passenger car company, as well as land use rights and the structure and equipment assets of the new bridge factory of the passenger car company. The proposed listing price is 4.498 billion yuan, with a value-added amount of 286 million yuan and a value-added rate of 6.79%.
The reporter learned from insiders that the two factories involved in the transfer of Jianghuai Automobile assets are actually the two factories that Jianghuai and NIO cooperate with - Jianghuai NIO Advanced Manufacturing Base and NIO Second Advanced Manufacturing Base, namely NIO F1 Factory and NIO F2 Factory. "NIO may acquire the above-mentioned Jianghuai Automobile assets and further seek independent production qualifications," an anonymous insider told reporters.
At that time, the relevant person in charge of NIO also responded that the company had already understood the relevant information of its partners and confirmed that this action would not affect the company's future production and operation activities. The company will communicate relevant matters at an appropriate time and will not comment on this matter until then.
Some analysts believe that if NIO can obtain independent production qualifications as a result, it will be a significant benefit to NIO, which is beneficial for the company's long-term operation and efficiency improvement.
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