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Hot search first! What is the significance of Taobao canceling "Double 12"?

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Double 11 has just ended, will Double 12 stop?
On November 24th, "Taobao cancels Double 12" became a hot search on Weibo.
According to the official website of the Taobao Merchant Service Hall, the Taobao "Double 12" event will be cancelled this year and will no longer be held. The platform will hold the "Taobao Yearend Good Price Festival", which is expected to start attracting investment by the end of November.
In response to this, Taobao responded to a reporter from Shanghai Securities News that the "Taobao Good Price Festival" will officially start at 8 pm on December 9th. Compared to the previous year's "Double 12", the discount intensity, merchant scale, and product scale will achieve a comprehensive and significant increase.
Compared to the "Double 11", the existence of "Double 12" has always been weak. However, what is the significance behind this new sign of "Taobao Good Price Festival", despite the hat of "digital promotion"?
In fact, during the previous Alibaba financial report conference call, Alibaba Group CEO Wu Yongming and Taotian Group CEO Dai Shan both mentioned the "omnipotent Taobao" again.
Dai Shan said that whether from the perspective of user groups, merchant groups, or sales models, Taobao is the most diverse, rich, and sustainable. She stated that she will continue to adhere to the same strategy, focus, and investment, so that Taobao can ultimately form a positive cycle of win-win cooperation among users, merchants, and platforms within a three-year business cycle.
In Wu Yongming's earnings conference call, "Universal Taobao" also became the first business he mentioned when talking about Taotian Group.
In Wu Yongming's view, Taobao's "omnipotence" lies in providing users with a massive and rich supply of goods and services. "We must firmly establish a comprehensive platform to meet the multi-level consumption needs of the largest consumer group and increase consumers' purchasing frequency. This is the choice for Taobao and Tmall to maintain growth in today's competitive landscape."
In terms of specific tactics, Wu Yongming stated that the Chinese consumer market is a multi-level value proposition consumer market. We have both the most diverse consumer group and the advantage of Made in China, which allows for a rich variety of products with different value propositions in any category to meet the needs of different consumers.
Based on this, we must implement a multi-level market strategy within the Taobao App. Taobao is a super app that covers three mainstream sales models: live content driven model, brand marketing model, and daily sales low price model. Taobao App is the most comprehensive platform among Chinese e-commerce platforms, capable of accommodating multiple product layers from branded products to white label products and corresponding multiple value propositions. We hope to use AI The iteration of technology and operational models has made Taobao a truly inclusive and diversified consumer app in the market Wu Yongming said.
Taobao will adhere to its positioning as an internet consumer platform, while Taotian Group does not position itself as a retail company. "Wu Yongming emphasized that starting from the positioning of consumer platforms, we will adhere to a user first perspective in strategy, with improving platform stickiness and customer retention as our core goals. From a business perspective, we will prioritize user purchase frequency over GMV as the most critical goal of platform operation, as purchase frequency directly reflects user recognition of the consumption platform. Meanwhile, Taobao's diversified monetization products can support our "user first" strategic transformation.
Dai Shan also made it clear during the financial report conference call that under the guidance of "user first", Taotian Group will persistently invest and upgrade to create a more interesting and cost-effective universal Taobao.
From this perspective, the "Taobao Good Price Festival" may become the first independent training for the "omnipotent Taobao".
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