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Baidu He Junjie: Big Model Driven Marketing Industry Transformation "Intelligent Agent Business" Brings New Opportunities for "Realizing"

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At the "2023 Baidu Hot AI Marketing Conference" held on November 23, He Junjie, Senior Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of the Mobile Ecology Business Group, stated that the prosperity of the application ecosystem generated by the big model has brought new opportunities for the development from "stock pattern" to "incremental pattern", and has also brought operating system level evolution to the marketing industry, driving a "qualitative change" in the comprehensive intelligence of marketing. It is revealed that Baidu's mobile ecosystem, as a key battlefield for Baidu's application layer reconstruction, is undergoing full line application reconstruction, which will also bring prosperity to the AI native application ecosystem.
He Junjie said in an interview that the next step of AI development is AGI, which is also the evolutionary direction of "ERNIE Bot". According to public sources, AGI is the abbreviation of Artistic General Intelligence, also known as "General Artificial Intelligence" or "Super Artificial Intelligence". It can perform complex tasks and completely imitate human intelligent behavior.
In October this year, Wenxin Big Model 4.0 was released, and users can experience Wenxin 4.0 through ERNIE Bot. At present, ERNIE Bot has 70 million users, covering 4300 scenarios. Recently, ERNIE Bot has comprehensively restructured its products based on Wenxin's big model and Wenxin Yiyan, and launched many AI native applications such as Baidu New Search, Baidu New Library, Baidu Online Disk "Cloud One Flower", Baidu Maps, Baidu GBI, etc. The restructured AI native applications have achieved significant growth in the number of users.
From the perspective of commercial monetization models, whether it is on the marketing side or the user payment side, the big model has brought more commercialization opportunities to Baidu. During this conference, Baidu Marketing was the first to launch the "Agent Business" - based on the capabilities of the Wenxin Big Model, on the one hand, allowing every enterprise to have an exclusive clone intelligent agent on Baidu, to communicate with users in the best way, stimulate user needs, and provide more targeted services; On the other hand, Baidu Marketing will use the AI Native marketing platform "Qingge" as a unified carrier for interacting with customers, deeply understanding and meeting their needs.
"We used to know that half of the advertising costs were wasted, but we don't know which half. Now, generative AI has made more accurate, efficient, and intelligent advertising and marketing a reality," said He Junjie.
When it comes to commercial monetization opportunities on the marketing side, He Junjie told reporters that the marginal efficiency improvement of large models in the marketing field is relatively significant, which can generate a large number of rich marketing texts at extremely low costs. This is also the monetization attempt of many large model manufacturers in the marketing field.
The "intelligent agent business" proposed by Baidu is not simply about improving efficiency, but rather the operation of the business field from account web pages to intelligent agents. "We hope to settle our customers and use our understanding of them as a 'digital asset', while achieving efficiency matching between private and public domains, as well as small and large models." He Junjie said that it is expected that by 2024, large models will usher in greater commercialization opportunities in the field of 'intelligent agent commerce'.
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