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Enhance cross-border shopping experience, Amazon launches the first pre bonded warehouse for overseas purchases

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Amazon's first pre bonded warehouse for overseas purchases has settled in the China (Ningbo) Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone on November 10th. Li Yanchuan, Vice President of Amazon China and Head of Amazon Overseas Purchasing China, recently stated in an interview with reporters that as a new measure to layout the cross-border bonded logistics model, the cooperation between Amazon Overseas Purchasing and Ningbo Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone will deeply integrate the bonded model and the cross-border e-commerce industry, fully leveraging the linkage advantages of the two resources. The logistics of the pre bonded warehouse will save an average of 10 days compared to overseas direct mail, with delivery taking up to 2 days.
"With the unique resource advantages of the Beilun District Cross border Comprehensive Pilot Zone and the government's policy support for cross-border e-commerce, Amazon's overseas shopping will further enhance the cross-border shopping experience of Chinese consumers and make important positive contributions to promoting the high-quality cross-border e-commerce industry," said Li Yanchuan.
Li Yanchuan further introduced that Amazon's overseas purchase of the first pre bonded warehouse has three advantages. Firstly, the pre bonded warehouse has settled in the Ningbo Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, adjacent to Ningbo Zhoushan Port, one of the world's largest seaports. With the leading domestic policy innovation advantages, good business environment, and flexible and convenient customs clearance and transit system of the Ningbo Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone, Amazon Overseas Purchase will provide more efficient and faster cross-border logistics services for Chinese consumers.
Secondly, we will create a full chain cross-border pre bonded warehouse and optimize the entire route from customs declaration, tax payment and clearance processes, making the digital customs clearance mode more flexible and comprehensively improving delivery efficiency. Through electronic customs clearance, goods do not need to be transported again, and the customs clearance process can be completed in the warehouse. Overseas products can be delivered to consumers in a one-stop manner.
Thirdly, the pre bonded warehouse in Ningbo will connect with multiple Amazon overseas operation centers to achieve logistics services that accelerate the selection of millions of overseas products.
In fact, in recent years, China has continuously promoted the expansion and institutional innovation of cross-border e-commerce pilot zones, which has played a significant role in promoting Amazon's business development in China. Li Yanchuan said that taking the Ningbo Cross border E-commerce Comprehensive Pilot Zone as an example, it has internationally leading policy innovation advantages, a good business service environment, and a flexible and convenient customs clearance and logistics transit system.
Recently, Yu Jin, Deputy Director of the Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Commerce, stated at the opening ceremony of Amazon's pre bonded warehouse that the import and export volume of cross-border e-commerce in Ningbo exceeded 200 billion yuan in 2022, reaching 170 billion yuan in the first three quarters of this year. It is expected that the year-on-year growth rate this year will exceed double digits.
All of these have created a favorable environment for the development of cross-border e-commerce. With the landing of the pre bonded warehouse in Ningbo, Amazon Overseas Purchasing can provide more efficient and faster cross-border logistics services for Chinese consumers. Li Yanchuan said that the pre bonded warehouse covers multiple popular categories of overseas shopping, such as health care, beauty, toys, clothing, shoes, and boots. The fast logistics speed and diverse sales categories are in line with the current requirements of Chinese consumers for delivery speed and the growing diversified demand, which is to some extent conducive to driving the consumption demand of Chinese consumers.
Looking forward to the future, Li Yanchuan said, "I believe that with the unique resource advantages of the cross-border comprehensive trial zone and the government's policy support for cross-border e-commerce, Amazon's overseas shopping will further enhance the cross-border shopping experience of Chinese consumers and make important positive contributions to promoting the high-quality development of the cross-border e-commerce industry
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