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The first aquatic food traceability platform launched, Hengxing Group, and JD.com, have teamed up again to empower the digital industry chain

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Agricultural enterprises are accelerating cooperation with technology enterprises to achieve digitalization and intelligence of their own operations.
On November 10th, Guangdong Hengxing Group (hereinafter referred to as "Hengxing Group") announced a strategic cooperation with JD Group on the aquatic food traceability platform and held an online ceremony in Zhanjiang. This cooperation will be carried out in multiple stages, and the first aquatic food traceability platform has been launched, achieving deep cooperation across the entire aquatic product industry chain.
With the rise and outbreak of the pre made vegetable industry, competition among enterprises has become increasingly fierce. In this situation, collaborating with technology internet enterprises to promote the digitization of the entire industry chain is one of the means for upstream and downstream enterprises to achieve breakthroughs in the industry.
Collaborate with JD to promote traceability platform
According to official information, the cooperation between Hengxing Group and JD Group will be carried out from multiple aspects such as production, sales, and logistics around the food traceability platform.
Liu Danyang, General Manager of the Agricultural Finance Technology Department of JD Technology, stated that the traceability platform utilizes technologies such as the Internet of Things, GIS remote sensing images, blockchain, and AI growth algorithm models to achieve reliable collection, certification, and visualization of origin aquaculture data. It also provides standard and standardized data entry and supervision functions for agricultural product production processes through scientific process management tools. It can ensure real-time, accurate, and traceable data of each link in the Hengxing aquaculture process, providing consumers with reliable product growth records.
On the other hand, JD Technology's self-developed digital platform for biological assets will be fully integrated with Hengxing Group's self-developed smart aquaculture equipment. Afterwards, the platform collaborated with hardware equipment such as water quality monitoring, intelligent control, and intelligent feeding machines in the breeding base to collect and store key data such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH. This will provide convenient and fast data support for farmers, help them timely understand the status of water indicators, and improve production efficiency and product quality through reasonable and intelligent analysis of data.
Hengxing Chairman Chen Dan stated that Hengxing Group is a national key leading enterprise in the agricultural industrialization of the entire aquatic industry chain layout. With this traceability product, consumers can more intuitively feel the entire process of the company's products from seedling to breeding, production, and processing. It truly allows consumers to have a deep understanding of Hengxing Food and the entire production process, which is controllable and visible, safe and reliable, and truly achieves the traceability of aquatic food.
Wu Jinhong, General Manager of Hengxing Group's Aquatic Food Business Unit, told Times Finance that traceability service is a value-added service provided by Hengxing Group to the market, in order to better showcase the entire process of Hengxing Food from the source to the dining table and ensure product safety. This service has no impact on the cost and final selling price of the product.
In the sales process, JD.com will promote Hengxing Group's aquatic products to have a wider sales network. At present, various products such as golden pomfret and shrimp produced by Hengxing Group have officially entered retail channels such as JD's self operated stores, JD POP, and JD Jingzao.
On the logistics side, Hengxing Group will leverage JD Logistics to expand its sales channels and coverage, while also improving cooperation efficiency and optimizing resource allocation by sharing important resources such as sales data, inventory data, and logistics information.
In addition, with the huge traffic and user base of the JD platform, as well as digital technology, Hengxing Group can better achieve the development of the entire industry chain.
Deepening and Expanding the Aquatic Industry Chain
In recent years, Hengxing Group has started to position itself as a "food enterprise" and transformed into a supplier and service provider of chain catering and ingredient trading platforms, while also participating in the competition for the trillion level pre made vegetable track.
Chen Dan stated that the pre made vegetable industry is currently in a stage of vigorous development. For the entire catering industry, prefabricated dishes can play a role in reducing burden and empowering, but the premise is to be able to provide safe ingredients to the industry. This year, prefabricated dishes have achieved a growth rate of 20% to 30% in the entire industry, and in the future, prefabricated dishes will definitely be an industry exceeding one trillion yuan, and this trend will not change.
In Chen Dan's view, the current prefabricated vegetable industry needs to continue to strengthen the construction of system standards, build a verification system, achieve product traceability, and strengthen research and development to improve cooking, nutrition, and insurance technologies through technological means. Among them, the future prospects of aquatic products are very promising because the best protein is aquatic protein. Currently, there is a significant gap between the per capita consumption of aquatic products in China and developed countries. With urbanization and the growth of national income, there is still a lot of room for growth in aquatic product consumption, "said Chen Dan.
The aquaculture industry has always had seasonal characteristics, with farmers experiencing situations of high yields but low harvests, and being pressured by intermediaries. And Hengxing Group has been committed to achieving the foodification, industrialization, scale and standardization of aquatic products, helping farmers achieve high yields and harvests by processing food into pre made vegetables.
As a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, Hengxing Group has completed the industrial layout of business sectors such as seedling, feed, animal protection, aquaculture, food, and digital fishery, making it a relatively complete leading enterprise in China's aquatic industry chain.
The strategic cooperation between Hengxing Group and JD Group can be traced back to 2019. The two sides have conducted relevant cooperation in agricultural supply chain finance, and in the food sector, they have gradually connected with retail malls and food supply chain related business cooperation.
This strategic cooperation will be based on the respective resource advantages of both parties, and will carry out in-depth cooperation in areas such as fresh retail, rural technology and finance cooperation, logistics services and technology cooperation, enterprise procurement and employee welfare, industrial product supply chain, and jointly create a full chain digital benchmark for the aquatic industry.
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