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China Concept Stock Briefing: Douyu confirms that CEO Chen Shaojie has been out of touch for nearly three weeks

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Douyu confirms that CEO Chen Shaojie has been out of touch for nearly three weeks
According to the cover news, multiple sources recently revealed that Chen Shaojie, the Chairman and CEO of the Douyu Board of Directors, has recently lost contact. On November 6th, the reporter sought confirmation from the Douyu side regarding the relevant content and confirmed the news of Chen Shaojie's loss of contact. Previously, there were rumors that Douyu CEO Chen Shaojie had been investigated and had been out of contact for nearly three weeks. As the CEO of a listed company, Chen Shaojie's most recent appearance in public view was attending the company's second quarter financial report analysis conference call in August.
The 'Confucius' education model will be open to the public through relevant registration
According to NetEase Youdao, the "Ziyue" education model of NetEase Youdao has passed relevant registration on the 4th, and the model and its application products will be open to the public. The official stated that the large model will be installed in a richer range of intelligent hardware products and apps, which can continuously provide efficient learning experiences for learners of all ages. Last month, the world's first virtual human oral private education Hi Echo, equipped with the 'Confucius' model, officially launched an independent app and WeChat mini program.
Xueersi MathGPT big model release: AI capability application will be implemented on learning machines
According to Sina Technology, recently, in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services, the Xueersi Big Model MathGPT has completed relevant registration and passed the review, officially becoming the first batch of educational big models to pass the registration. According to TAL, with the approval of MathGPT registration, AI capability applications based on self-developed large models will be gradually implemented on learning machines in the future. MathGPT will also transition from internal testing stage to comprehensive opening from now on.
Baidu's intelligent driving business is expected to accelerate its commercialization and implementation
According to Yicai, Baidu announced a new round of cadre promotion and rotation through internal email. Among them, Baidu Vice President and General Manager of the Autonomous Driving Business Unit, Wang Yunpeng, was promoted to Vice President of the Group and served as the head of Baidu's Intelligent Driving Business Group (IDG), reporting to the CEO. A Baidu insider revealed that the adjustment announced by Baidu means that Baidu hopes to accelerate the commercialization of its autonomous driving business. Wang Yunpeng once led a team to organize the research and development of Baidu's sixth generation mass-produced unmanned vehicle Apollo RT6. Baidu's autonomous driving travel service platform, Radish Quick Run, has entered multiple cities such as Wuhan, Beijing, Chongqing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen with fully unmanned autonomous driving fleets.
Promote the "Big Open Loop" strategy and double the GMV during the pre-sale period of the B-station Double 11 with goods
According to Sina Technology, based on the promotion of the "open loop" strategy, the year-on-year growth rate of GMV with goods on B Station during the pre-sale period of Double 11 reached 229%. According to the data from the "Spark Plan", during the pre-sale period of the Double 11, the diversion of grass planting videos on Bilibili significantly increased the sales revenue of e-commerce platform stores by 83% compared to 618. Among them, the GMV of live streaming sales on Station B increased by 259% year-on-year, while the GMV of video sales increased by 190% year-on-year. At the same time, the number of UP owners who obtained business cooperation through the Fireworks platform increased by 40% year-on-year. In addition, as a consumer brand of IP derivatives on Bilibili, member purchases made a big start on October 31st, with a daily sales increase of 70% year-on-year.
Xiaopeng P7i 550 version model launched
According to IT Home, the Xiaopeng P7i 550 version is officially launched today, with a price starting from 223900 yuan. The original Xiaopeng P7i was launched in March with a price range of 249900 to 339900 yuan. The new 550 version of the CLTC has a comprehensive range of 550km, starting at 223900 yuan.
Zhihu's "Zhihai Tu AI" Big Model Announces Open Service
According to Blue Whale, Zhihu has announced that its "Zhihai Chart AI" model will soon be open to the public for service. Zhihu will launch related products at the appropriate time, covering various business scenarios such as creators, discussion forums, information acquisition, and content operation. In April 2023, Zhihu launched its first Chinese large-scale model, "Zhihai Chart AI", with parameters of hundreds of billions.
Novice conducts non trading roadshows, and investors respond warmly
According to Securities Times E Company, insiders have stated that Cainiao Smart Logistics Network Co., Ltd. has started non trading roadshows with Asian investors to prepare for a Hong Kong IPO; Insiders have revealed that the IPO is a large-scale and highly anticipated event, and so far, investors have received positive feedback, with many looking forward to meeting with management. In the middle of last month, the China Securities Regulatory Commission received the registration materials for Cainiao's listing in Hong Kong. Alibaba announced at the end of September that the spin off will be carried out through the global sale of Cainiao Shares. After the spin off is completed, the group will continue to hold more than 50% of Cainiao's shares, and Cainiao will remain a subsidiary of Alibaba.
Yu Chengdong bombards the top executives of car companies who do not understand AEB. Subsequently, Xiaopeng Motors takes the initiative to retaliate
According to IT Home, He Xiaopeng, CEO and Chairman of Xiaopeng Automobile, and Huawei Yu Chengdong have been arguing endlessly about "what AEB is" and "who didn't understand". To this day, the "AEB dispute" seems to have entered a white-hot stage. Xiaopeng Automobile no longer satisfied with the arguments of various self media outlets, but chose to step down and start the "AEB Science Popularization", and released the first issue of "AEB Learning Notes". It is unclear how many more issues there will be in the future.
Li Kaifu AI Company Launches Big Model, Alibaba Cloud Leading Investment
According to 36 Kr, on November 6th, AI company "Zero One Everything", founded by Li Kaifu, Chairman and CEO of Innovation Works, released its first open-source bilingual model "Yi". Meanwhile, 36 Kr learned from insiders that OneThing has completed a new round of financing, led by Alibaba Cloud. At present, the valuation of OneThing has exceeded $1 billion, ranking among the unicorns.
Ant Bailing Big Model will be open to the public after filing multiple products
According to the Shanghai Securities News, on the 6th, it was learned from Ant Group that according to the guidance requirements of the "Interim Measures for the Management of Generative Artificial Intelligence Services" jointly released by seven national ministries, the Ant Bailing Model has been registered, and multiple products based on the Bailing Model have been completed internal testing and will be open to the public. At present, the Ant Big Model has formed a complete technology chain including the underlying infrastructure of the big model, basic big models, industry big models, and application products. At the level of basic large models, in addition to the registered Bailing language model, Ant Group is also developing the Bailing multimodal large model, which has been tested internally.
NIO Capital Invests in Enjing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. The latter's shareholder includes Xiaomi Zhizao
According to the Securities Times website, the Enterprise Inspection APP shows that recently, Shanghai Enjing Automotive Technology Co., Ltd. underwent industrial and commercial changes, and its shareholders added Hefei NIO Industrial Development Equity Investment Partnership Enterprise (Limited Partnership). At the same time, the registered capital increased from approximately 34.5199 million yuan to approximately 35.8657 million yuan. According to enterprise investigation information, the company was established in 2017, and its shareholders also include Xiaomi's Beijing Xiaomi Zhizao Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership).
Weibo and "Chinese Philanthropist" reached strategic cooperation to jointly hold the 2023 Charity Festival
According to Sina Technology, on November 1st, the signing ceremony for the 2023 Charity Festival Strategic Cooperation of "Chinese Philanthropist Weibo" was held at Sina headquarters. Lv Zhenya, President of China News Weekly and Chinese Philanthropist, and Wang Gaofei, CEO of Weibo, attended the signing ceremony and delivered speeches. According to the agreement, the 2023 Charity Festival will launch award applications in the near future, and a grand award ceremony and theme forum will be held in early 2024 to unveil heavyweight awards such as Person of the Year, Role Model Institution, Excellent Project, and Responsible Brand.
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