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Biden spoke to Netanyahu, reiterating his support for Israel's crackdown on Hamas while emphasizing the need to protect civilians

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The Israeli military says rocket attack warnings have sounded in several northern Israeli cities. Two Israeli border guards were stabbed by knives in the old city of Jerusalem on Monday. The Ha'aretz newspaper reported that the attacker was 16 years old and had been killed. United Nations agencies and international charitable organizations have issued a rare joint statement calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. According to the British Broadcasting Corporation, due to the suspension of mobile communication, it is impossible to call an ambulance, and Gazans are using donkeys to transport the deceased. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said there will be no ceasefire until the hostages taken by Hamas are released. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken went to Türkiye for talks on Monday. -------
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US President Joe Biden spoke by phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday (November 6th), reiterating his firm support for Israel's fight against Hamas and emphasizing the need to protect Palestinian civilians and reduce harm to them during military operations.
The White House said the two leaders discussed the possibility of a tactical pause to allow Gaza civilians to safely leave the conflict zone and ensure that aid can reach civilians in need. They also discussed how to facilitate the release of potential hostages. The two leaders also discussed the situation in the West Bank and the need to hold extremist settlers responsible for violent acts accountable. They agreed to have another conversation in the next few days.
On Monday, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby expressed hope for the speedy implementation of a humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip during an online briefing.
He mentioned that Washington will continue to engage in such talks with the Israeli side, no matter how long it takes. He also stated that there are some signs that there are currently efforts to minimize collateral damage to Gaza, but he cautioned, "I don't want to exaggerate this
Kobe said that we have seen thousands of innocent people killed, and every death is a tragedy. "We don't want to see any innocent lives lost," he said
He said that the United States is making every effort to urge Israeli leaders to do their best to distinguish between Hamas and civilians in these military actions and take cautious measures. But he reminded that Israel is targeting enemies hiding behind civilians.
Meanwhile, Jordan stated on Monday that it maintains "all options" in response to its claim that "Israel failed to distinguish between military and civilian targets during intensified bombing and invasion of the Gaza Strip.
The Prime Minister of Jordan, Bisher al Khasawneh, did not provide a detailed explanation of the steps Jordan will take. Jordan has recalled its ambassador to Israel in protest against Israel's offensive against Gaza.
Jordan also announced last week that the Israeli ambassador who left Amman shortly after the Hamas attack will not be allowed to return to Jordan, which is equivalent to declaring him an unwelcome person.
For Jordan, all options are on the table when we deal with Israeli aggression and its consequences, "Hasunai told national media
Hassunai said that Israel's siege of densely populated Gaza is not what it insists is self-defense.
Israel denies intentionally targeting Palestinian civilians in Gaza. Israel points out that Hamas uses civilians as human shields, excavates tunnels under hospitals, and uses ambulances to transport armed personnel.
United Nations agencies and international charitable organizations issue a joint statement
In the Israeli war against Hamas, the Israeli military launched more air strikes on Gaza on Monday. At the same time, as the death toll increased, United Nations agencies and international charity organizations issued a rare joint statement calling for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire.
This joint statement states that in the past month, the world has been witnessing what is happening in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories, with the number of life losses and tears spiraling up, shocking and frightening
Tens of thousands of people have been displaced, "the statement said. This is terrifying
These institutions and groups include the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program, CARE International, Save the Children, and Mercy Corps International. The joint statement states that since the Hamas attack on October 7th, at least 1400 people have been killed in Israel, and more than 200 people have been taken hostage.
The horrific killing of more civilians in Gaza is outrageous, "said these institutions and groups." Cutting off 2.2 million Palestinians' food, water, medicine, electricity, and fuel is also outrageous
The Gaza Ministry of Health, managed by Hamas, says the number of deaths caused by Israeli attacks has exceeded 10000.
The pressure from the international community to demand a ceasefire is increasing, but Israel has refused. Israel says the hostages taken during Hamas's ravaging southern Israel must be released first, otherwise there will be no ceasefire. The United States believes that Hamas is a terrorist organization.
Israel said that the Israeli military's attack on Hamas in the Gaza Strip had actually split the Palestinian settlement in half on Sunday. ••••Å
Israeli military spokesperson Daniel Hagari, Rear Admiral of the Navy, said that the Israeli army "has surrounded Gaza City... now there is a South Gaza and a North Gaza
Antony Blinken's Middle East Tornado Tour -
There is currently no sign of the end of the war. Against this background, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken ended his whirlwind diplomatic visit to the Middle East in Türkiye on Monday, and made weak achievements in building a regional consensus on how to best contain the suffering of civilians in Gaza.
Antony Blinken told reporters before leaving Türkiye: "We are working very actively to allow more humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. We have a very specific way to do so. Sometimes, the absence of bad things may not be the most obvious evidence of progress, but it is actually."
Antony Blinken visited Israel, Jordan, the occupied West Bank, Cyprus and Iraq, and then met with Türkiye's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan in the capital of Türkiye, trying to win support for the Biden government's call for the Israeli military to implement a "humanitarian moratorium" and prevent the crisis from spreading to a wider area.
At the same time, Israel has vowed to oust Hamas and crush its military capabilities.
As the war approaches urban warfare, casualties will only further increase.
The Israeli military said they hit 450 targets at night, and ground troops took control of a Hamas compound. According to the Israeli military, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians still trapped in Gaza City and other areas in northern Gaza still have a one-way corridor to escape to the south.
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Visits the Middle East
A US official told VOA that the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, William Burns, was on his way to" Several Middle Eastern countries;.
The US official told VOA that the focus of this trip includes the situation in Gaza, support for hostage negotiations, and maintaining deterrence to prevent the escalation of the Israel Hamas conflict.
The US official said, "The director will once again emphasize our commitment to intelligence cooperation, especially in areas such as counter-terrorism and security
When contacted by Voice of America, the Central Intelligence Agency said, "We will not comment on the director's schedule
(This article references reports from the Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France Presse. Zhang Rongxiang, the head of the State Department Correspondent Station of the Voice of America, and Selding, the National Security Affairs correspondent of the Voice of America, also contributed to this article.)
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