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Taiwan's Foreign Minister Visits the Three Baltic Countries to Convey Joint Anti totalitarian Resolutions

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Taiwan's Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie set off on Monday (November 6th) to visit the three Baltic countries, which may provoke strong opposition from China. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan stated that this visit will open a new page in bilateral relations. Wu Zhaoxie will attend think tank events and meet with important figures from all walks of life, conveying the determination of Taiwan and the three countries in the Bohai Sea to jointly confront totalitarianism.
Wu Zhaoxie visited Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania from November 6th to 12th. This is Wu Zhaoxie's second public visit to Europe after visiting Poland, Czech Republic, Belgium, and Italy in June this year.  
Wu Zhaoxie will attend the high-level forum on "Future of Democracy: Fighting totalitarianism" in Lithuania, as well as attend events organized by the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA) and the Estonian Center for International Defense and Security (ICDS) think tanks, delivering keynote speeches.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that Wu Zhaoxie will convey in his speech that the people of Taiwan and the three countries of the Bosnian Sea share the belief in freedom and democracy, as well as their determination to fight against totalitarianism.
Minister Wu Zhaoxie's visit will also meet with important figures from the political and academic sectors to inject vitality into enhancing China's bilateral relations, "the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs added, but did not provide details about the meeting.
Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania have all established diplomatic relations with China, but in recent years they have maintained distance from Beijing and developed stronger relations with Taiwan.
In 2021, Lithuania faced full retaliation and pressure from China in terms of diplomacy, economy, and other aspects for establishing Taiwan as the only representative office in Europe named "Taiwan". However, Lithuania did not yield and passed legislation to establish unity and anti economic coercion measures in the European Union.
In terms of economy, all three Baltic countries have withdrawn from the "China Central and Eastern European Countries Cooperation Mechanism" led by China. Lithuania withdrew in 2021, and Latvia and Estonia followed suit in August last year, causing new setbacks for China's development in Europe.
At the same time, the relationship between the Baltic Sea and Taiwan continues to heat up. In August of this year, the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Baltic Three Congresses visited Taiwan. In late October, Viktorija, President of the Lithuanian Parliament Č Milyt ė- Nielsen led a delegation to visit Taiwan, showcasing the flourishing development of bilateral exchanges and interactions between Taiwan and the Bosnian countries.
In addition, the Estonian Public Broadcasting Corporation (ERR News) revealed last week that the Estonian government has agreed to Taiwan's establishment of an economic or cultural representative office under the name "Taipei" in the Estonian capital city of Tallinn, but will not develop political relations with Taiwan under the "One China Policy".
The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the establishment of a branch is still under discussion. Taiwan currently has representative offices in both Lithuania and Latvia. If Estonia completes its establishment, all three Baltic countries will have Taiwan embassies.
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