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UBS Inheritance Forum focuses on new trends in Chinese entrepreneur inheritance and charity

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On November 10th, the 2023 UBS Heritage Forum kicked off, with representatives including domestic and foreign philanthropist leaders, influential investors, entrepreneurs, and representatives of civil society organizations attending the forum. This forum focuses on the inheritance and new trends in philanthropy among Chinese and global entrepreneurs, exploring multiple topics including intergenerational inheritance, family governance, co creation philanthropy, and social finance. The conference is expected to have over 300 attendees participating in 12 theme sharing and discussions.
UBS Wealth Management Asia Chairman Lu Caiyun stated: We are very pleased to hold the Inheritance Forum in Shanghai to discuss the innovation and new trends of inheritance and charity globally and in China with people from all walks of life at home and abroad. Chinese entrepreneurs hold a global heart and have a charitable vision to promote social development, address global common challenges, and give back to society. Charity is also widely regarded as a continuation of family philosophy and spirit. We hope that this forum will be for Chinese entrepreneurs and high net worth individuals Provide in-depth thinking and inspiration when formulating family future plans. We will continue to leverage UBS's rich global experience to serve China and the entire Asia Pacific market, meeting the urgent needs of Chinese entrepreneurs in the inheritance of their family business
Lu Zijie, the head of UBS Wealth Management in China, stated: At the beginning of this year, UBS deeply felt the willingness of entrepreneurs and philanthropists to participate in philanthropy in a more innovative way through communication with 100 global charity experts, allowing their own values, investments, and businesses to have an impact. Multi party cooperation around the same goal has become a new trend in global philanthropy. Through this forum, we are pleased to introduce and collaborate with our Chinese charity industry Advocate for global innovative charitable models such as' Collective Philanthropy 'and' Social Finance '. In addition, UBS has long supported the development of philanthropy in China. The UBS Charity Foundation has been working in mainland China for over 20 years. Since the official establishment of the Beijing Representative Office in 2017, has the accumulated public welfare projects been carried out? About 65, with a total donation of 674 million yuan? Coins, with over 1.63 million beneficiaries of the project
According to a previous report by UBS, the world is expected to experience the largest wealth transfer period in history in the next 20 years, with nearly $85 trillion of wealth expected to be passed on to the next generation. The first batch of Chinese private entrepreneurs who benefited from the reform and opening up policy has been in their twilight years, and the urgent need for wealth inheritance among the affluent population in China has made inheritance and charity the two main themes that wealth groups think about the most.
UBS is one of the global advocates of the concept of 'co creation charity'. This concept aims to gather numerous charitable forces, establish partnerships among various stakeholders, share resources, address a series of complex global challenges such as infectious diseases and climate change, and more significantly promote the effectiveness of charity. As a global leader in wealth management, in 2022, UBS launched the UBS Collectives project, attracting philanthropists, experts, and community organizations from around the world to work together to accelerate systemic changes in issues such as climate change and child protection, while promoting more innovative funding methods and expanding the impact of charitable activities.
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