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Jingke Energy's TOPCon battery, module, and stack efficiency have set three consecutive records

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Recently, certified by TUV South Germany, the highest conversion efficiency of Jingke Energy N-type TOPCon large-area photovoltaic modules reached 24.76%, breaking the global record for the highest efficiency of modules certified by third-party authoritative institutions to date.
In addition, Jingke Energy has made significant breakthroughs in the research and development of perovskite stacked batteries based on N-type TOPCon. After testing by the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, its conversion efficiency has reached 32.33%, significantly improving the conversion efficiency level of similar stacked batteries.
Not long ago, Jingke Energy announced that its 182 N TOPCon battery had been tested by the National Photovoltaic Industry Measurement and Testing Center and achieved a conversion efficiency of 26.89%, regaining the title of efficiency in large-scale crystalline silicon batteries.
Jin Hao, Chief Technology Officer of Jingke Energy, stated that improving efficiency and reducing costs will always be the main theme of the photovoltaic industry. As early as designing the first generation of N-type TOPCon products, the company had already considered the second and third generations, leaving ample room for new technology introduction and efficiency upgrade. The new generation TOPCon will have many innovative changes in the process compared to before.
This new component efficiency record is based on advanced TOPCon battery metallization enhancement technology, energy particle body passivation technology, and efficient trap light passivation contact technology, as well as multiple high-efficiency battery process technologies. Combined with high-density component packaging technology, it effectively reduces the internal resistance loss of components and achieves a significant improvement in efficiency, achieving a maximum of 2m& Sup2; The above large-scale photovoltaic modules achieve a conversion efficiency of 24.76%. The laboratory records have a practical foundation for mass production and import, which is expected to accelerate the high-quality implementation of the company's advanced products in the future.
The breakthrough in the efficiency of perovskite layered batteries has been achieved by using the complete set of n-type HOT high-efficiency passivation contact batteries (TOPCon) independently developed by Jingke as the bottom battery, developing a new intermediate composite layer structure and improving the passivation technology of perovskite phase, achieving high transmission flux and high efficiency perovskite interface passivation technology without hysteresis effect. This fully proves that TOPCon, as the mainstream technology in the next 3-5 years, can perfectly integrate with the next generation of stacking technology, Thus breaking through the upper limit of efficiency for single crystal silicon batteries.
Jin Hao said, "There are advantages in the process implementation of high-efficiency stacked batteries using TOPcon as the base battery and perovskite. TOPcon, due to its excellent high-temperature stability, can provide a larger process window for the selection of functional materials for each layer of top perovskite batteries." The continuous breakthroughs in battery and module efficiency of Jingke Energy further prove that N-type TOPcon batteries are the most promising and sustainable technological choice in the future.
Thanks to the advantages of integrated production and innovation, as well as the leading position in the N-type industry chain, Jingke Energy has obvious advantages in equipment and raw material supply in various links of the N-type industry chain, reliable quality, and high coordination between various links and components. Jingke Energy has taken the lead in applying laser SE technology, new metallization technology, and the industry is also following suit. Jin Hao stated that with the future planning and implementation of the company's dual sided technology and other follow-up technology routes, Jingke Energy is confident in maintaining a technology leading advantage with following companies for more than half a year.
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