BOSS directly repurchases 340000 shares of Class A common stock, with an average of $7.42 per share
发表于 3 天前
BOSS Zhipin (02076/BZ) announced on November 11 that the company will repurchase 340000 Class A ordinary shares in the market through trustees on November 8, 2024, in accordance with the post IPO share plan, using internal resources, equivalent to 170000 American depositary shares. The shares repurchased this time account for approximately 0.04% of the total issued and outstanding shares of the company, with an average consideration of $7.42 per share of Class A common stock (excluding all related expenses).
The announcement states that the total number of Class A common shares held by the trustee after the repurchase is 21.69 million shares. The company stated that it will regularly review and fully decide on the number of Class A common shares to be granted to eligible participants. As of the announcement date, the trustee has not granted any share awards to any eligible participants. 系信息发布平台,仅提供信息存储空间服务。
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