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Li Bin: Ledao and NIO have no conflict, reiterating not to produce hybrid vehicles

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&Amp; quot; The pricing of the Ledao L60 still has a gross profit margin, which we believe is acceptable. We will not price it below the gross profit margin& amp;quot; In a recent interview with First Financial News, Li Bin, Chairman and CEO of NIO, said that the Ledao L60 is NIO's first car that strictly evaluates how much return its configuration brings to its target market users based on their needs.
On September 28th, the first product of NIO's second brand, Ledao, the Ledao L60, will officially begin delivery. The purchase price of the entire vehicle is 206900 yuan, and the rental price of the battery is 149900 yuan, making it the lowest priced product in the entire NIO vehicle lineup. Li Bin once stated that the gross profit of the Ledao L60 can reach 15%, and has reserved space to cope with market price competition. With a monthly sales of 20000 vehicles, it can have good profitability.
The synergy and scalability with the NIO brand are considered important reasons for Ledao to achieve its gross profit target. Ai Tiecheng, Senior Vice President of NIO and President of Ledao Automobile, told reporters that Ledao has downgraded some of NIO's technologies to a price range of 200000 yuan and shared research and development costs through scaling up.
In addition, some products of Ledao L60 and NIO are produced together, which is expected to further reduce costs by expanding the supply chain scale and improving capacity utilization. In terms of after-sales service, Ledao will continue to use NIO's existing service system.
However, due to the reuse of technology, some configurations and functions of the Ledao L60 have a certain degree of overlap with NIO brand products, and some users have compared the car with NIO products. There are also voices in the industry questioning whether the dual brands of NIO and Ledao can achieve a 1+1 greater than 2 effect.
&Amp; quot; The NIO ES6 is slightly more family oriented, and it has some similarities in usage with the Ledao L60. In terms of functional configuration, the Ledao L60 may be better in some aspects because it was developed later and is specifically designed for home scenarios; The difference between NIO and Ledao cars with the same functions is indeed over ten thousand yuan, but with sufficient budget, it is better to purchase NIO. The more high-end the market, the more emotional the experience will be& amp;quot; Li Bin stated that NIO focuses on the high-end market. Starting from the ET9, which will be launched this year, the new models will place more emphasis on business attributes. In addition, products such as ET5 and EC6 will focus more on personalized markets; Ledao brand will focus on the mainstream home market.
Li Bin believes that from industry experience, high-end brands and mass brands of the same car company complement each other. Lexus did not compete with Toyota's customers, and Toyota did not compete with Lexus' customers; During the pre-sale period, Ledao's sales team also helped NIO sell nearly 1000 cars. During previous visits to LeDao terminal stores, several LeDao salespeople told reporters that if the budget is sufficient, NIO can be considered for a better service experience.
In addition to bringing incremental growth to the domestic market, Ledao and the third-party brand Firefly project will undertake the task of expanding NIO's overseas market.
NIO is one of the early emerging car manufacturers that aggressively expanded overseas. However, compared to the massive expansion of brands such as Xiaopeng, Lantu, and Leapmotor this year, NIO has made relatively few moves in overseas markets. Apart from updating some products, NIO's overseas actions mainly involve entering the UAE market.
Li Bin believes that NIO's brand positioning is high-end. In addition to China, the United States, and Europe, the consumption volume of high-end car brands in other regional markets is relatively small, so NIO's priority for brand layout in other regional markets is not high; But the prices of Ledao and Firefly are focused on the mainstream consumer market, and NIO will definitely rely on Ledao and Firefly to accelerate its global market layout.
In addition to responding to a series of questions about the Leda brand, Li Bin reiterated that NIO, including Ledao and Firefly, has no plans to launch hybrid products. Previously, pure electric vehicle companies such as Jike, Zhiji, and Xiaopeng have all disclosed plans for hybrid products, and among Chinese car companies, only NIO is still adhering to the pure electric technology route.
&Amp; quot; In China, the growth rate of pure electric vehicle sales this year is definitely not as high as plug-in hybrid and range extender, but NIO will insist on pure electric vehicles. NIO's rechargeable, replaceable, and upgradable range extender is more efficient& amp;quot; Li Bin said.
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