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Pinduoduo's "Billion Dollar Reduction" Policy Increases Refund Orders for All Products, Automatically Returning Technical Service Fees

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On September 24th, Pinduoduo upgraded the refund rights for merchants' technical service fees under the "Billion Reduction" policy, expanding the refund scope from the previous promotional products to all products. Merchants with more than ten million yuan will further reduce their operating costs.
According to the merchant's notification, the latest benefit has officially come into effect from 0:00 on the 24th. All orders that have been refunded can enjoy the technical service fee refund benefit according to the refund ratio, that is, 0.6% of the technical service fee will be refunded proportionally to the order, and it will be automatically refunded to the merchant's payment account without the merchant's application.
Previously, Pinduoduo has launched multiple technology service fee refund benefits under the "Billion Reduction" policy. In mid August, Pinduoduo first introduced a refundable technology service fee to merchants who registered for the on-site resource slot activity. Subsequently, the technology service fee for use before pay orders was reduced from 1% to 0.6%. This new benefit continues to expand the scope of technology service fee refunds, benefiting over ten million merchants.
In addition, Pinduoduo has also successively opened up the promotion service fee refund rights to merchants, lowered the basic deposit of merchants' stores, exempted merchants from logistics transfer fees in remote areas, etc., comprehensively promoting merchants to improve quality and efficiency. Recently, Pinduoduo has also lowered the withdrawal threshold for merchants' payment accounts, from the previous 100 yuan to 1 yuan. Merchants initiate withdrawal requests, and the platform will review them within 1 working day. Once approved, withdrawals can be made.
At the same time, Pinduoduo has also made special adjustments to the appeal service for after-sales disputes of merchants, and upgraded the after-sales service system of merchants, fully supporting merchants to appeal against abnormal orders, malicious complaint orders, consumer negative experience orders, etc. After the merchant successfully appeals, the platform will compensate for the relevant orders.
Recently, Pinduoduo's "Billion Dollar Reduction" series of measures have been implemented one after another, comprehensively promoting merchants to improve quality and efficiency.
With the successive implementation of Pinduoduo's "billion yuan reduction" policy, the positive effects of the new policy on businesses and industries have also begun to be released. Many businesses are planning to invest the cost savings into new product research and development, supply chain upgrades, and are starting to layout markets in remote areas such as Xinjiang.
Experts have stated that Pinduoduo's "billion yuan reduction" is a reshaping of the e-commerce ecosystem, benefiting both supply and demand sides, providing businesses with more space to improve their products and supply chain levels, and bringing consumers, especially those in remote areas, a richer and higher quality supply of goods, promoting the platform and industrial ecosystem to continue to move towards high-quality development.
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