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One click access for easy monetization. Baidu releases its first intelligent agent alliance solution

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The 2024 Baidu Alliance Conference will be held in Shenzhen. Baidu comprehensively demonstrated the full chain layout of intelligent agents in development platforms, distribution domains, and monetization solutions to its alliance partners, and upgraded the alliance ecosystem comprehensively. It released intelligent agent alliance monetization solutions and intelligent agent distribution+monetization integrated solutions, bringing new scenarios, new traffic, and new monetization opportunities to alliance partners and intelligent agent developers. This means that the "highway" for the monetization of intelligent agents has been opened up, and the era of sharing the dividends of intelligent agents is about to come.
At present, Baidu has successfully implemented the closed-loop of the intelligent agent ecosystem, which not only allows everyone to use it, but also enables everyone to develop, distribute, and benefit from it, "said He Junjie, Senior Vice President of Baidu Group and General Manager of Baidu Mobile Ecology Business Group.
He Junjie, Senior Vice President of Baidu Group and General Manager of Baidu Mobile Ecological Business Group
He pointed out that only by lowering the threshold for AI native application development can more participants and innovators flood in. In the development of intelligent agents, Wenxin Intelligent Agent Platform has lowered the development threshold to the lowest level, achieving "one sentence development of intelligent agents". The Baidu Wenxin Intelligent Agent Platform has attracted 100000 enterprises and 600000 developers, covering hundreds of application scenarios. Whether individuals, enterprises, or institutions, they can create their own intelligent agents.
Zhao Shiqi, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu Search
In terms of intelligent agent distribution, Baidu has formed an intelligent agent distribution pool represented by search. Zhao Shiqi, Vice President of Baidu and General Manager of Baidu Search, summarized the distribution strategy of intelligent agents in Baidu Search using the keyword "1+N". "1" represents distribution within the search consumption scenario, "N" means coverage of multiple terminal scenarios, which means that developers only need to develop once to access Baidu's diverse and multi terminal scenarios such as Baidu Search, Wenxiaoyan, Xiaodu, Tieba, and Netdisk, thereby maximizing distribution effectiveness. At present, the distribution of intelligent agents in the Baidu ecosystem has significantly increased, with an average daily distribution exceeding 10 million in August.
As an important distribution field, Xue Su, Vice President of Baidu and Head of AI Innovation Business, revealed on site that as of now, Wen Xiaoyan's monthly active users have exceeded 10 million, and millions of intelligent agents have been distributed on the platform. The user duration and call frequency have maintained high-speed growth.
In addition to being developed and distributed by everyone, Baidu is constantly improving the "commercial infrastructure" of intelligent agents to benefit everyone. The launched commercial three piece set - link mounting, lead conversion, and product mounting functions, covers the current mainstream conversion scenarios and supports up to 100 product mounting. Currently, over 20000 intelligent agents have utilized commercial components, bridging the last mile of monetization for both enterprises and individual developers. In addition to developers, businesses can also improve their operational efficiency through intelligent agents. As of the end of August, over 19000 enterprises are using business intelligence agents every day, covering more than 30 industries such as education, real estate, and machinery. Intelligent agents are becoming a standard for business operations.
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